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Hey Descendants!

We hope you enjoy this update.

A week later

Carlos throws his hands up in the air as soon as the hair on the back of his neck stands up. "Okay T, I can feel you watching. Wanna just come out and hang?" He looks around, waiting to see if any shadows move. He did at least this once a day ever since T and Mal had talked. Not that he believed it was always T watching him. It was probably paranoia more than anything else; but that didn't mean he shouldn't make the offer, just in case.

T jumps down from a tree in the distance after a long moment, hands shoved in his pockets and casually walked over. "Sup."

"Oh." Carlos grins. "You actually were here this time."

"Oh, good," T smiles, "I just thought I was really starting to suck."

"Nah, I never actually see you," Carlos admits with a shrug. "It's more a feeling. Like danger sense, not that I think you're dangerous, well actually I do think you're dangerous, but not like, you know, gonna hurt me or-" Carlos rubs the back of his neck as his cheeks flush, I'm just going to stop talking."

They both stare at each other for a very long minute. "Right."

Carlos chuckles nervously. "Yeah, sorry. So uh... So my mom is gone for a few days, and I have like snacks and stuff. You wanna just-" He shoves his hands in his pockets. "I mean I'm going to be working on my projects, so I'm not sure how much I'll talk or anything, but uh, you wanna hang?"

T studies him for a moment before he nods. "Sure."

"Cool." Carlos turns and starts walking back down the road. "I live at Hell Hall, but you probably already knew that..."

"I didn't know that was its name." T shrugs. "But, yeah..." He was going to say he knew where he lived but learned pretty quickly that that kind of behavior was not appreciated. Harry telling him that it was 'Creepy, I like it' was the final nail in that proverbial coffin. He found he'd been basing more of his social interactions on that pretext. If Harry liked it, it wasn't all that acceptable.

Carlos shrugs. "Just my mother being my mother. I think it might be a play on our last name." He certainly thought of her as the devil often.

"De Vil?"

"Yeah, kinda sounds like Devil, even though it's separated, I mean it's spelled kind of the same way too."

T can't help the small laugh that spills from his lips at the irony of the amount of 'devils' he'd found himself infatuated with. Her father would be devastated. Not that he would ever find out. The literal demigod of hellfire and the spawn of the devil herself. It was fitting. He was a sinner after all.

Carlos smiles. He'd never heard T laugh, and he hoped it was a good sign. He stops in front of his front door and pulls out the key "So uh, just a few things about my house..." He starts as he unlocks and swings the door open. He points to a door off to the side. "Do not go in there, don't even open it. It's dangerous, I don't want to think about it, please just don't try to go in there."

T lifts his brow. "Carlos. I promise I will not even go in that general direction unless you tell me to. Please breath."

"Sweet." Carlos nods as he closes the door behind them and locks it. "So uh- Kitchen." He leads T away from the danger door.

T follows him quietly, his eyes studying the kitchen carefully eyes settling on the stove curiously. "It's very clean here."

"My mom is kinda a neat freak, so I have to keep the house very clean," Carlos admits absently as he grabs a tray and starts collecting things from cupboards and the fridge. "It's mostly oatmeal and sour apples, but I managed to get some chips in the last shipment. I've got some milk too. It hasn't gone too bad yet. Still more whey than curds."

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