Need to Know

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Thanks for everyone's support and love.

It would be awesome if I could say this chapter was lighter-

-but it's not.


There is talk about sex in this chapter. Mostly defining what sex is. But more importantly, what it isn't.

-Dark & Twisted-

(See the end of the chapter for notes from the Authors and Questions.)

*Sometime during the same storm...*

(A few hours later)

Yensid's eyes blur with confusion as he blinks, finding himself suddenly awake. His instincts roll with unease as he sits up in bed.

Something was off.

He could feel an urgency in the air.

The question was why? His eyes narrow as he looks around the darkness in his room.

Heavy rain and gales of wind pound against his home.

He scans his empty room in concern. What could have disturbed him enough to rouse him from slumber?

It certainly wasn't the storm. He had put his fear of those to rest long ago after a particularly hopeful apprentice had summoned a hurricane and dancing broom in his study.

Lightning flashes outside, the brief flares lighting up his room. An ear-splitting crack of thunder shakes his house before his ears twitch at a faint sound barely discernable from the storm.

With narrowed eyes, he rolls out of bed as his uneasiness seems to spread.

What was that? He frowns, the thunder finally rolling to a stop. Finally placing the sound of someone pounding on his door. Or more specifically, who?

The urgency he was sensing in the air finally making sense.

He frowns as he makes his way to his door, glancing at the clock that dimly showed four thirty-eight. Who could be at his door at this hour? And more importantly, why?

The sense of urgency seeps unbiddenly into his being as the frantic banging at his door grows more desperate. He tilts his head as he catches a word before the wind carries it away.

One word.

His name.

What was wrong? Was one of his students in trouble? Concern suddenly outweighs alarm as he rushes to the door.

No one on the isle had ever dared to knock on his door like this.

The door rattles with a dull thud.

"YENSID!" The door rattles again. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

"T?" Yensid's brow furrows as he unlocks the door and pulls it open, spilling a soaking wet T into the room at his feet.

The boy quickly pulls himself to his feet. His clothes soaked as the water rolls off him in sheets to flood his floor.

"T! My dear boy I'm so sorry," Yensid shakes his head and turns to a side closet where he pulls out a thick blanket to offer to T, "Wrap up in this before you catch a cold."

T waves him off with an aggressive wave of his hand. "Did any other Heros come with you!?" He demands.

Yensid steps back at the sudden question. The tone so demanding his brow flies up in concern.

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