Run With Me

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 I wake up to the sound of Minho falling off of the bed. He lands with a heavy thud on the wood floor. My reaction is immediate. "Minho!" I lean over the side of the bed. "Are you okay?" He rubs his head. 

"I'm good."

"Are you sure? You hit the ground really hard." 

"I was sleeping when I fell so I didn't feel much pain." 

"I guess that's a little better."

"I'm just going to stay here for a little while."

"Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine." I look down at myself. I'm wearing Minho's hoodie, the one that he wore as a trainee, the one with his name printed on the front. I smile. How did I get this on? Looking back down at the ground, I see that Minho is asleep again. He's so adorable. Minho.. His sleeping face looks like an angel. It's rare that I'm awake when he's sleeping. He doesn't like people to watch him but I never really listened. 

I know that after everything that's happened between us, I shouldn't still feel like this about him. It's wrong of me to do. We're finally in a good place and I want to destroy it. I want Minho to kiss me again. The last kiss we had still lingers on my lips as though it happened hours ago. I still want him and I'm still in love. There will never be a day when I don't love him. I can only hope that he feels the same way. 


"Welcome to Ni Hao TV! Today our guests are the international Idols, SHINee! Welcome SHINee!" The audience goes crazy and we wave. "Thank you for coming!"

"It's our pleasure." Onew says to the host. 

"Oh you're so polite! It's the very first time you've been on Ni Hao TV, am I correct?" We nod. "Are you nervous?" 

"A little bit." Onew responds. Our leader is the most confident of all of us. 

"You don't have to be. Today is going to be about one thing. Would you like to know what it is?" We all nod. "Run With Me!" Our new single? What does that have to do with a variety show? 

"Our single?" Onew asks. He seems confused. 

"In spirit of your new single, we've organized a game. Would you like to play?" We look at each other for a few seconds and then nod. "The game is running. We'll get you on the roof of this building and let you run. Whoever spends the longest without getting caught or the last one who gets caught wins a grand prize. SM Entertainment has given you a prize that all groups would die for. Because you've been working so hard, you will win an entire day off!" That sounds so good right now. We've been so busy for the last few days. It's been overwhelming. 

"This sounds exciting!" Jonghyun says and grabs Key's hand. 

"There will be camera men stationed in different places to film you as you run by. Also, if you see an SM official, run. They're the ones trying to catch you. Are you ready?" 



"Ready? Set. Go!" We take off through the door on the roof and down the stairs. This is so exciting! I really hope that I can win! But I have a feeling of who is going to win... Someone with flaming charisma. I make it down to the side streets of Seoul. This is the easiest way to get around. There wasn't a rule against taking other ways of transportation like a train or a bus or car, so I'll use that to my advantage. I'll go to Busan. 

I get on the train and see that it's completely empty. I should not have worn the Dazzling Girl outfit. I'm freezing. I look the window and see Seoul streaming by me. It's such a beautiful place, too bad I don't get much time to see it. I should enjoy this 2 hour and 50 minute trip. I pull my sweater tighter around me. Aigoo... who knew a train would be this cold? 

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