Pastel Horror Yum Yum Show

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I walk into the room and hear  the sound of HelloTV! on full gossip blast. I sit down on the couch beside Key and he automatically grabs my hand. I smile to myself as we watch celebrities and their problems. "This just in!" The reporter chirps. "An exclusive you're only going to find here, we report that an unlikely duo have been spotted. Who and where?" I slide deeper into the couch. "Where: At a night club in Tokyo, Japan. Who: SuG's Takeru and SHINee's Minho!" Key's grip on my hand tightens. "They were seen last night around 11:30 last night dancing together in the club." Pictures flash across the screen. He looks so much happier. I look at his perfect smile. Why does he get to be happy? "They left the club around 1:00 AM. Minho was seen with his arm wrapped around Takeru's waist." I look closely at the picture. Minho looks drunk. "Is this a new couple forming? What happened to 2Min? We had some fans weigh in on this." I sit up and cross my legs. "This comments come from our online forum."

The reporter moves through a stack of papers. "@LeeLove says: Maybe 2Min wasn't real to begin with, maybe we all just wished it would be. @ChoiFan says: I don't get how Minho could do this! He's hurting Taemin! @BabyGirl says: We put too much pressure on them, Minho's probably taking a vacation. @LuckLife says: I don't want Taemin to be hurting about this... What if he didn't know until now? Oh poor Taemin!"

3 out of 4 were right. I don't want this to be happening. I want to take all of this back. "Taemin?" Key asks softly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


"I'm going to text him."

"He won't answer."

"Why not?"

"Because he's running  from us."


I wake up in a bed. A very comfortable bed though. I rub my eyes and look around. Looks like a hotel room. Damn it. "Takeru?" I yell and grab my head. Ouch. He comes walking out of the bathroom rubbing his hair with a towel.

"Sleeping beauty has woken up!"



"Where are we?"

"My hotel room."

"What happened last night?"

"You got drunk and I brought you here to sleep it off. Do you drink often?"


"That explains it. You got drunk off of four shots."

"I don't usually drink."

"Could've fooled me." I sit up. "Your phone is going crazy." He throws it at me. It's Key. I shut off my phone and put it on the pillow beside me. "Someone you don't want to talk to?"


"Is it who you're running away from?"

"I'm not running away from anyone."

"You randomly called me and asked if you could come to Japan and stay with me. You're running away from someone or something. I'm not asking you to tell me I'm asking you to admit it."

"I won't admit something that isn't going on."

"Is it one of your band mates?"

"It isn't anyone."

"Oh Minho, you are the worst liar." He grabs his phone and starts playing music.

"What is that?"

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