Forty Seven

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"Si" Elijah looked over his shoulder and saw his younger brother fast asleep in an uncomfortable position at the edge of his bed.

"Why are you here?" Elijah rubbed his eyes as he sat up

"I was checking in. There's some nasty articles about you," Silas raised himself onto the bed

"It's all bullshit," Elijah cleared his throat. "You know me. You know it's fake,"

"But people believe it. Like the stupid people at my school,"

"Did you get into a fight again?" Elijah asked

Silas shook his head. "Your company is at risk. Mom and Dad are anxious. I wish this headache goes away," Silas dropped his head down

"It will, come here," Elijah threw the duvet off as Silas sat down. Elijah threw his arms around his younger brother. "It's going to be okay. Don't worry about anything. Get some sleep,"

Elijah strolled down the bustling city streets, anticipation building with each step toward Diana's office The late afternoon sun cast a warm glow, and he couldn't help but smile at the thought of surprising her. As he passed a flower shop, he couldn't resist the allure of a vibrant display of roses.

Entering the shop, the aroma of fresh blooms enveloped him. Elijah carefully selected a bouquet of deep red roses, envisioning the joy they would bring to Diana. With the roses in hand, he continued his journey, weaving through the lively city, a mixture of excitement and nervousness lingering in the air.

Reaching Diana's office, Elijah took a moment to compose himself before ascending the stairs. Knocking on her door, he held the bouquet behind his back, a hopeful grin on his face as he awaited her reaction. He paused as he heard voices from inside.

"So have you made a decision?" He heard Dexter Frost's voice.

"Yes dad. I'll marry Colin," She replied. "Just leave Elijah alone,"

"Very well," Dexter nodded. He smirked as he glanced at the door. His guards told him Mr MacArthur was outside. He opened the door, revealing Elijah. His face had a mixture between anger, disappointment, and resentment. "I'll leave you two to it," Dexter smiled as he stepped out the room.

Diana composed herself as Elijah stepped in. He remained silent


"How much did you hear?"

"Enough to know I was an idiot for trusting you,"

"I'm doing it for you. My dad will destroy your business if we are together. All your hard work,"

"You're selfish. You're not doing this for me. You want the easy way out," Elijah replied

"I--" She couldn't reply. "I'm sorry Elijah,"

"No, I'm sorry for ever believing you. I hope you rot in hell," Elijah said before storming out. Diana collapsed back in her chair, unable to control her tears

She made the right choice so why didn't it feel like it

Elijah didn't drink much but when he did, it was bad. Elijah slumped on a barstool, nursing his drink as shadows of heartbreak lingered in his eyes. The dimly lit bar echoed with the distant hum of conversation, but Elijah was lost in the throes of his own thoughts. Shot after shot, he tried to drown the ache that consumed him.


She was a liar

She betrayed him

She didn't choose him

Charlie noticed Elijah's distress and approached with concern. "Hey, buddy, maybe it's time to call it a night," Charlie suggested, placing a comforting hand on Elijah's shoulder.

Ignoring the advice, Elijah downed another shot, the bitterness echoing the pain he felt inside. Charlie, realizing Elijah needed help, insisted, "Come on, I'll get you home."

With Charlie's steady support, Elijah stumbled out of the bar, the neon lights blurring in his intoxicated haze. As they navigated the uneven sidewalks, Charlie supported Elijah's weight, providing a lifeline in the darkness of the night.

Eventually reaching Elijah's apartment, Charlie guided him inside and settled him on the couch. "Guess what, Charlie. I got my heart broken again,"

"It's going to be okay," Charlie reassured, placing a glass of water within reach. Elijah was knocked out within seconds of slouching onto the couch. Charlie placed a blanket over him as he retreated to Elijah's guestroom.

Sunlight streamed through Elijah's bedroom window, casting a gentle glow on his face as he stirred awake. Confusion clouded his eyes, and a dull ache throbbed in his head. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, Elijah struggled to piece together the events of the night before.

His surroundings felt familiar yet foreign, and a quick glance around the room provided no immediate answers. As he sat up, memories proved elusive, leaving only fragments of blurred images. Puzzled, Elijah surveyed the room, searching for any clues to unlock the mystery.

A soft knock echoed, and Charlie, his best friend, entered cautiously. "Rough night, huh?" Charlie grinned knowingly, holding a cup of coffee.

Elijah, still grappling with the foggy memories, replied, "I can't remember a thing. What happened?"

Charlie chuckled, "You had a bit too much to drink, buddy. Don't worry; I got you home safely." He handed Elijah the coffee, hoping to ease the morning-after haze.


Elijah nodded back, feeling the butter coffee at the back of his throat. "I was an idiot,"

"No, you love her."

"Love is stupid," Elijah rolled his eyes.

Charlie patted his shoulder. "Why does it hurt?"

Charlie had no answer. "The first women I trusted in years fucked me up. I--"

"I'm sorry, Elijah."

"I need to forget and move on. She made her move. I need to make mine,"

"What does that mean?" Charlie stopped his friend, using his body as a shield. "We need to think rationally Elijah,"

"I am rational,"

"In fact this is the most rational I have been in months,"

"No, you're heartbroken. You're thinking with your heart, not your head. Calm down. We'll come up with something," Charlie pushed him back onto the couch. Elijah sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to make you breakfast. Sit there and don't do anything stupid,"

"Fine," Elijah sighed.

Charlie walked out of the room and into the kitchen. He prepared breakfast for Elijah, returning with a tray of food. However, Elijah wasn't there.

Charlie ditched the food tray, searching for Elijah in the apartment. He ran to the window, spotting Elijah's car drive out the car park.

Potential | The Innocent Billionaire |#1 MacArthur Series|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя