Twenty Eight

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A week later, Elijah returned to New York. He didn't see Diana after the party, and honestly, he didn't want to. He was focused on his work, and she was a distraction.

Silas and Paul waited in the arrival area, spotting Elijah as he walked out. He was dressed casually in a shirt and trousers, holding his blazer as he had a frown on his face

"Hey bro," Silas engulfed him in a hug

"Hey." He handed his luggage to the driver.

"Hey Elijah," Paul waved

"Hey Paul," He nodded

"Had a nice trip?" Paul asked


"Everyone is waiting at home." Paul threw him the car. Outside, his driver stood in front of the Range Rover whilst Silas and Paul snickered about the Lamborghini.

"You came in that?"

"Yep," Silas said with a huge grin.

He shook his head as he got into the car.

"I'll meet you boys back home." Elijah replied

"Ma," Elijah grinned as he walked into the house. Maria stopped mid conversation with Sam as she stood in shock. "Elijah!" She wrapped her arms around him

"Elijah, how are you?" She smiled, patting his shoulder to show he was real.

"Good ma. You?" He glanced down at her

"As always,"

"I see you run a tight ship around her." He admired the clean house

"Yeah. Aw, my baby is home. Now, where are the boys,"

Paul and Silas eventually turn up with smirks on their faces.

"What did you boys do?" Alfonso pushed himself into the room.

"Nothing." They shrug as the driver walked in with the luggage. Elijah took the suitcase off him. "I got you all gifts,"

"For mom." He hand Maria her gift. "This is for dad,"

"Silas, Paul," he handed them all out and sat down as they eagerly opened them.

"Thank you, baby." Maria smiled as she admired the new china set.

For Alfonso, he got a new jacket.

For Paul, he got him a new watch. Paul had been admiring his for quite some time. "Thanks, boss." Paul nodded. "I've never had anything this nice,"

"You're welcome,"

"Where's mine?" Silas frowned.

"Hey, be grateful," Alfonso threw daggers at him with his eyes

"There's yours," He pointed to the box the butler walked in with. "It's something I saw at the fair, it screamed Silas,"

"A hoverboard?" Maria said


"Elijah, I love you," Silas ran, snatching it off the butler and rushing to open it.

"Be careful, you can hurt yourself," Maria replied

"It needs charging,"

"Can you help me set it up, please?" Silas asked Elijah



"You really are a grinch." Paul and Silas stumbled into Elijah's office, falling on top of each other. How that was even possible was beyond him.

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