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Elijah was discharged a couple of days later as the swelling on his face and the doctors were happy with his results. He was disappointed Diana didn't visit after that one time. He was watching the door, waiting for her, but she never came.

He started making reasons in his head, but the most obvious stated in his mind.

She didn't care enough

"Elijah, your medication time," Maria approached him with a tray. He nodded, taking the painkillers and swallowing his medicine. "Mom, has Diana visited or called?"

"No, Elijah," Maria replied.

"There's probably a good reason, right?" Elijah looked for assurance in his mother's eyes. Her eyes held something different, but regardless, she nodded back.

"Rest up, Elijah. You want through something so traumatic,"

"Ma, I'm fine. I'm an adult. I can handle this world," Elijah quietly replied.

Maria sighed, running a hand through her hair. "You're still my little baby. You, Silas. No matter how old you both get,"

"Mom!" Silas yelled.

"Go and see what he wants,"

He laid back, closing his eyes as sleep welcomed him. Several hours later, he woke up to chatter. He opened his eyes, seeing his friends around him. "E!" Sam grinned. "You're awake?"

"Were you guys watching me sleep?" He glanced around, adjusting the blanket on his torso.

"Maria let us in," Barry answered

"It doesn't answer my question," Elijah rubbed his eyes. He yawned, adjusting to the light of the room.

"You good?" Charlie asked

"Yeah," He replied

"Good because we got McDonald's," Barry pointed at the food.

"Has Diana contacted any of you?" He glanced around the room. They shook their heads.

"Something probably happened to her." Elijah concluded.

"Elijah" Charlie sighed. "Focus on your own self first,"

"Her dad--"

"What about your own parents? Your mom hasn't eaten anything proper in the past week. Look, I get you care for her and like her, but put your damn self first like she has,"

"You're right," Elijah nodded. Deep down, he knew what it meant. He hated that feeling in his stomach that screamed he was going to get hurt again. His chest felt constricted as the voices in the room became overwhelming.

She didn't care. Otherwise, she'd be here.


"Elijah, what-what are you doing here?" Paul rushed to his side as he stepped off the elevator

"I'm well enough to be back,"

"You should--"

"Don't tell me what to do. I need you to look into Dexter Frost for me. Everything you can find on the books and off,"

"Frost as in Diana, Elijah--"

"Do it. He wants a war, I'll give him it,"

"You sound insane right now. I'm calling Silas--"

"I'm fine. Just do as I say," He walked towards his office. "And get me some refreshments,"

Paul was left dumbfounded. Elijah completely lost the plot. He headed down to pick up the refreshments, tea, and biscuits that the cafe had.

As he returned, he spotted Diana outside, waiting. "You shouldn't be here," Paul said out loud. She snapped out of her thoughts, facing him

"I need to speak to him,"

"He's working now. Contact him in his out of office hours," Paul dismissed

"Paul, I know what I'm doing is wrong--"

"You're playing with the emotions of someone that doesn't know how to trust," Paul said. "Whatever game you're playing, it will destroy him,"

"I'm not playing anything. I--"

"Please leave-" Paul pointed to the exit. "He doesn't need to see you,"

"I understand--"

"Paul, where is my coffee?" Elijah opened the door, silencing as he saw Diana.

"Miss Frost was just leaving," Paul said. "I told her you're not available,"


"I'm not," Elijah straightened up. "If anyone wish to see me they must get on the waiting list,"


He turned around and slammed the door. "Leave or I'll have you escorted off the grounds," Paul warned

"I'm going but please get him to meet me after. I want to clear everything up,"

Diana walked away, stepping onto the elevator. As the doors close, Paul took a deep breath. He carried his feet to the office door. He knocked and entered. "Is she gone?"


"She wants you to meet her to clear it up,"

Elijah turned around. "Will you go?" Paul asked

"The question is she worth it?" Elijah asked

"Is she?" Paul asked

"I don't know,"


"Elijah, you're back," Maria smiled upon the sight of her son. "How was your first day?"

"Good, I'm tired though. I'm going to take a nap," He said back, climbing the stairs up.

He walked into his room, dropping onto the bed. He reached for his phone, checking the time. His mind was in two. Should he go see Diana or not?

He wanted to forget and move on, but something was urging him to go and check it out. He contemplated as he felt his eyes closing with sleep overpowering.

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