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Two weeks later:

"I think you'll like this property" The estate agent open the door of the condo. Elijah stepped in, catching his appearance in the mirror hanging in the hallway. He wore a black suit, no tie. His tie thrown back, a watch strapped to his wrist. He looked the part

"It is 4 bedroom, 7 bathroom and 9024ft square"

"Why is there so much bathrooms?"

"Well you can change it if you like. There's an entertainment room which would be perfect for a study"

"This property has a pool, gym space. You also have deck which gives you great view of New York and perfect for parties and entertaining"

"I like this property and like to make an offer" Elijah said

"The asking price is $39,950,000" The real estate agent turned around to him.

"So, is that a lot? Make it 50,000,000 but I want this property"

"Okay" The agent nodded along.

After the viewing, he headed to Sam's apartment. Barry was already there

"How's the house hunting going?" Sam asked, bringing over drinks

"I found a condo perfect for me" Elijah replied, opening a soda can and taking a sip

"I always knew you were a partier" Barry wiggled his eyebrows. Elijah shook his head, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not but I'm a bachelor. Not every guy wants to party"

"Hey, what can I say. Girls just want the looks, not the brains. That's why I don't stay committed."

"Tell me about it. Girls just want the title that comes along with my name. Not me" Elijah agreed

They casted a look over to Sam who innocently drank her beer. "You're both great guys. Honestly, you guys are the best and no ordinary girl deserves you even you Barry. You'll find your person. Let's lighten the mood a bit, let's go to a bar"

"No" Elijah protest "I don't do bars"

"You're a bore. Come on, we are going" Barry got up
He contemplated and then agreed. He glanced at his clothes, it was proper attire

"But I'm in my suit. I don't suppose you have any of my clothes here?" He glanced at Sam. They had been friends for a while, comfortable enough to leave clothes here.

"No, but it's fine. We are going to an elite bar for the business people and Barry" Sam replied

"Hey" Barry yelled, running a hand through his hair.

"I'll meet you guys outside. I'm going to go change" Sam walked to the back of her condo. Barry and Elijah waited outside, leaned against his car. Barry took out a packet of cigarettes, lit one up and smoked. He glanced back at Elijah. "Want one?"

Elijah snatched the packet from him and read smoking kills.

"Everything kills you doesn't mean you'll stop doing it" Barry shrugged

"Why do you smoke?" Elijah curiously asked.

"My deep down daddy issues"

"You don't get along do you?"

"Not really. He sees me as a disappointment and I'm his only child so even worse" Barry pulled the cigarette from his mouth. "I tried to prove him wrong but it just me even more of an embarrassment in his eyes so I don't bother now. He's a self made man like you. He wasn't given the luxuries we have now so that's why he likes you. It's even worse after my mom died. Nothing will please that old man"

Sam came down in a flashy red dress leaving them both jaw dropped. Elijah quickly manage to hide his emotions under his mask but Barry is Barry.

"You're on fire" He commented, completely mesmerised by her

"I try" she shrugged getting into the driver's seat. Elijah took the back seat to let them talk. He pulled out his phone to play candy crush but the damn level was too hard

"We're here" Elijah scooted out the car to the left side of Sam as they walked in.

"Doesn't look like a rich club, just you have to pay the bouncer more to get through" Elijah noted

"Way to be a roadkill" Barry rolled his eyes, already scanning for the bar

"I don't like bars" he admitted which they all knew. He hated bars. They found a booth and after a couple drinks Sam and Barry got up to dance.

He went to bars as a tactic for revenge but it's over now.

He was still playing candy crush till someone slide into his booth "Hi" It was a female's voice. Oh, he knew how this was ending

"Hello" he didn't bother looking up. "I'm not interested in a hookups. Here's 50" Elijah took out a note from his wallet. All without breaking eye contact

"You're Elijah MacArthur right?" The women asked

"Yes. I already said I'm not interested" Elijah rolled his eyes.

"Well, aren't you glad I'm not a hooker. Diana Frost" She held out her hand as Elijah glanced up. He shook her hand. He heard of her but what was she doing in the same booth as him

"Shocked that I'm not totally obsessed over you" She smiled, tucking her brown hair behind her ear

"Most people are" Elijah replied "I've heard about you Miss Frost"

"At least we can skip that conversation"

"What do you want?"

"Your attention" She shrugged. "Drink?" She offered

"I don't drink"

"Then a dance maybe"

"I don't dance either"

"We'll see about that" She mumbled to herself "See you around Elijah MacArthur" She winked and like that she was gone.

Potential | The Innocent Billionaire |#1 MacArthur Series|Where stories live. Discover now