Thirty Five

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Diana arrived at the restaurant her father told her in the message. She asked for Frost at the front table and was escorted to the back where her father waited, a drink in his hand.

"You're early," He grinned from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat. It always freaked her out but she was used to the look now

"Why are you here?" Diana asked straight out.

"Always impatient Diana. What have I taught you--"

"You're a horrible man that will do anything and everything to get your way,"

"Remember I'm your father and I'm waiting for a special guest,"

"If you hurt Nikki---"

"Your sister is safe for now," He smiled

"You're a vile man,"

"You see Diana, you and I aren't so different. Especially with how you've been treating the MacArthur boy," Dexter replied, taking a sip of his drink

"What have you done?" Diana masked her emotions so he wasn't giving a chance to play on her weakness

Her question gets answered as Elijah approached their table. He's typing on his phone but glances up, closing his phone.

"Mr MacArthur, you made it," Dexter smiled. "Please, sit down,"

"Please, call me Elijah." Elijah said as he sat down beside Diana in the booth

"What are you doing here?" Diana asked

"Your father invited me. Didn't you know?" He asked, looking at both of them

"Dad didn't tell me," Diana gritted through her teeth.

"I'm sorry about it. Me and Diana are on different faces on a lot of subjects," Dexter smiled back

Elijah nodded back as the waiter approached the table, handing out the menu. Once they ordered, Dexter turned his attention back to Diana and Elijah. "So are you two dating?"


"Explain this then," Dexter handed his tablet. On the screen was an article of them two seen together in New York when Elijah was driving Diana in his car.

"We were just hanging out," Elijah replied. "As friends,"

"Is that so?"

"Yes dad. We're working together and we're friends,"

"Okay, if you say so. Elijah, let's talk about you. What's your family like?"

"I have a small family. Parents and my younger brother,"

"Silas, right? He's friend with Nicole,"

"Yes," Elijah nodded

"And parents? They're hardly in the limelight,"

"My parents are humble people. They don't like the media, so I respect their wishes,"

"That's sweet. Diana's mom and I are still together. Nearing our 30 anniversary," He replied

"Don't make it like you're a nice guy. He cheated on my mom with Nicole's mother, and my mom still didn't leave him,"

"Me and your mother worked through it," Dexter replied "I've heard good things about you Elijah. I mean nowadays who hasn't. It's impressive what you've done,"

"Thank you sir,"

"What about you Diana. What have you accomplished whilst being here?" Dexter smirked at her, knowing how to get a reaction out of his daughter. He leaned back, relaxing calmly in the chair as he waited for an answer."

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