Thirty Two

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"Hey, Pa," Elijah unbuttoned his blazer and dropped on the sofa. Alfonso looked up from his magazine and raised an eyebrow.

"You okay?" Alfonso looked puzzled. He shut the magazine, focusing his attention on his son

"Pa," Elijah called out, leaning in to him. By the tone, Alfonso knew it was serious.

"Yes, son," Alfonso acknowledged

"I've talked to your doctors. they say there is potential you may walk, but you don't want to. Why?"

He was confused. He wanted nothing more than to see his father healthy and well. From a young age, he waited for the day Alfonso would walk again

"Honestly," Alfonso murmured. He played with his hands as he tried to find answer

"Dad?" Elijah pressed

"I haven't walked in over 20 years. The idea of even walking is enough to terrify me. "

"Dad, I'll make sure nothing happens to you. I swear on my life. No one or nothing is going to hurt you. "

Alfonso nodded. Elijah got up and wrapped his arms around him. "I love you, dad,"

"Just ask your old boss. He's rotting in prison,"

Alfonso nodded back. "I can't thank you enough for that,"

"What's going on?" Silas appeared

"I'm talking with my father. Jealous?"

"As if. I'm the youngest, clearly the favourite,"

"I love you both equally," Alfonso smiled. "I'm so proud of you both,"

"Thanks, Pa," Silas smiled back

"Where's Maria?"

"Upstairs, cleaning,"

"Tell her to come down. Let's spend some time together,"

"What is this I hear about a party?" Charlie drops on the couch next to Elijah. He passed the beer bottle as Elijah turned his attention from the game.

"Oh, Barry and Sam are dating, so I thought it would be good to celebrate it. Sam deserves it," Elijah replied.

"Those two, you wouldn't expect it, but damn Elijah, you throwing a party. You really are changing"

"Had to happen," Elijah shrugged

"Maybe because of someone?" Charlie hints at as Elijah shook his head. "I learnt my life right now is pretty damn good, so I better stop living in the past,"

"Finally, welcome to the present," Charlie chuckled

"So anything new I should know about?" Elijah asked. "How's Zoey?"

"Good, I got a job offer,"


"Gregson and George. They were impressed after a case I did."

"That's amazing. Gregson and George are one of the top law firms in New York."

"But if I take it, I'm going to be another corporate sellout. I became a lawyer to help people like us. Not feed the rich,"

"And you've done a lot for the community, but Charlie, you have got to think about yourself and Zoey.  Think about it before you reject it,"

"I will,"

"Good. There's always my offer to work for me,"

"I'm already your lawyer,"

"Like an in counsel. I need people anyway,"

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