Thirty Three

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"Si," Elijah called out as he arrived at the scene.

"Elijah," Silas ran into his arms. He held his brother tight.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"I was getting breakfast when this guy jumped into the car, holding a gun, demanding I give him the car. I was terrified,"

"You're okay, bud. I'm going to talk to the police officers. Will you be okay?"

Silas nodded back as Elijah approached the police officers on the scene. "Officers, what's going on? Someone stole my car,"

"We were pursuing a suspect on a chase. Your brother got caught in the cross fire," the officers explained

"Any luck on finding the guy,"


"I can help. My cars have GPS. It's mostly to track my brother, but we can find the suspect,"

"That would be a great help,"

"Let me get my brother safe, and I'll give you the data,"


Charlie arrived on the scene, talking with Silas. "Hey,"


"Can you get Silas home? I'm just going to talk to the officers,"

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's all good. I'll explain later. Get him home and make sure he's not alone till I'm back,"


Charlie nodded back, taking Silas to his car. He turned around, finishing the conversation with the officers before returning home.

Silas seemed calm but was still shaken up. "What happened?" Charlie asked

"He was held at gunpoint for the car," Elijah replied. "Can you find him?"

"With your help, the police should find him, and then I'll do my job." Charlie nodded. "He'll pay for hurting, Silas,"


"Si, can I come in?" Elijah asked, standing outside with a tray of food

"Yeah," He heard a yell. He stepped inside, placing the tray on his nightstand.

"How are you feeling?"

"Every time I close my eyes, I see the gun,"

"It will get better. I'm here if you need to talk. If you don't want to talk to me, I'll find you a professional."

"I'll be okay."

"It's okay not to be. What you went through is traumatic."

"Any luck on finding him?" Silas asked

"Not yet. Charlie said he'd call if there was an update."

The door knocked again. They turned their heads to Diana and Nicole. "Charlie told us what happened. Are you okay?"

"I'm alright,"

"I'll leave you to it," Elijah said as Nicole stepped closer to him. Him and Diana stepped outside. "He's shaken up, but he'll be alright,"

"What about the guy that threatened him?'

"Charlie and the police are tracking him. He said he'll call if they was an update,"

"Lunch?" Elijah asked

"Huh?" Diana asked

"Are you staying for lunch?"

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