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"Paul, I need you to do a background check on Henry Williams. His wife, family, childhood. Everything" Elijah ordered his assistant who patiently wait. Paul was only a couple years younger than Elijah. He was one of the guys that was there from the start of the company and who Elijah trusted.

"Yes sir. This isn't because of your history with his wife, Elijah" He pushed the subject forward

"No, I do background check for all my partners, client, employee. You know that" Elijah dismissed the subject, lifting a file to his face

He was lying, he wanted to know Patricia and Henry's story. How they met. Everything.

He wondered how Patricia married someone like him. Henry wasn't particularly good looking or a strong build. But he had money and I guess that what she married him for. His father was well known in America for his help with the oil crisis

"Okay, I'll do it right away. Sir, you also need to check the list of interviewer who should get the job"

"Did you write the names I said"

"Yes sir"

"That's enough. Just make sure the women are on the first floor and they know that clear."

"Yes sir"

"Mr Ross" An employee called as Paul stepped out the elevator. He joined Caleb and Steve, standing in the middle as he glanced at the group of new employees standing in front of them.

"Good morning. I'm Paul Ross, Mr MacArthur's personal assistant. He's busy so I'm here to welcome you" He talked with confidence. He was probably the same age as some of them but Elijah gave him a chance.

"Mr MacArthur expects 100 percent and if they are issue that stops you, please feel free to come forward."

Everyone nodded.

"Steve and Caleb here will give you a tour of the building but female workers are situated on the first two floors. It makes it easy for you to leave if you have children or other commitments"

"And the male workers, you'll be situated depending on department"

"You'll follow me"

Everyone nodded, falling into their own group as Paul gave them a tour and gave everyone their job.

"Anything problems report to your manager or me"


A couple floor up, Elijah was waiting for the report from Paul.

"Elijah, here" Paul hands him a file. "Sorry, I was dealing with the newbies. Henry Williams born in 1991 is the second son of Joel Williams. He had a wealthy upbringing and enjoyed playing polo and golf. He went a prestigious school and was often the joker in class. At 17, his father threatened him if he didn't grow up. He graduated from UCLA with honours in Business and Computing. He joined his father's company for a year till joining Bridget's company. He met his wife a couple years ago in the same company. She's a consultant, fall in love and got married now they resided in Union Square and the rest is in the file" Paul dropped the file onto his desk. Elijah stopped pacing around and nodded at Paul.

"You know I could have just read all of that, you didn't need to be a narrator"

"You'll miss all the important details anyway" Paul rolled his eyes

"Thanks I'll have a look through it" He sat back down, opening the file and looming over it

"Elijah" Speak of the devil, Henry William walked in with his wife behind him. He put on his stern face as he addressed them

"Mr Williams"

"I'll take your leave" Paul nodded to Elijah

"Please come in, take a seat" Elijah offered without getting up from his own. He didn't care if he appeared as an ass, it was his company.

"So what brings you to my office?" Elijah asked, glancing at the both of them

"Invitation to dinner, to get to know each other if we are going to go ahead with the deal"

"Oh, that sounds good"

"Tonight if that isn't a problem Elijah" Henry said

"Nope and Henry, I'd really appreciate it if you called me Mr MacArthur in my office or while we are in business if you don't mind"

"Not at all. So we'll see you later then" Henry smiled as he left. Elijah wondered how he was going to get out of this situation now?

He was stuck in it. He particularly didn't want to see Patricia but he had to manage appearances

"Paul" He pressed the intercom. Paul appeared in seconds

"Yes boss"

"Find an excuse so I don't have to attend this gathering"

"I think you should go, it will be good for you" Paul grinned

"Shut up or I'll fire you"

"Hey, hey now. Let's not get too extreme boss. What will you do without me?"

"Find a replacement, find a way Paul"

"On it boss"

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