Twenty Nine

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Elijah let his phone rang whilst he sat next to the coffee table, watching it.
Silas peeked into the room. "Are you not going to answer that?"

"No, it's work,"

"Are you feeling okay?"

"It's Christmas break." Elijah shrugged. He turned off his phone, lying back on the couch.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done to my brother?"


"I've got an idea," Silas grinned. "You in?"

"What are we doing?"


"The pet shelter?" Elijah climbed out the car, tucking his hands into his pocket as the cold breeze rushed past them

"Yeah, come in," Silas headed inside. Elijah glanced around before following his brother inside. "Valerie," Silas hugged an older woman

"This is my older brother, Elijah. E, this is Val. She runs the pet shelter,"

"Hi, nice to meet you," Elijah shook her hand

"You too, Silas has told me all about you,"

"Oh, has he?"

"Come in, dears," She showed them in. They spent their afternoon volunteering at the shelter, caring for the animals, and learning more about the shelter.

Valerie had opened it with her husband twenty years ago because they both loved animals. She continued even after he died and helped abandoned animals

They helped her close up before getting in the car and driving back. "I didn't you volunteered here," Elijah commented

"I like animals," Silas shrugged. "After you bought jar home, I wanted to help other animals too,"

"What happened to the dog?"

"Turns out dad is allergic. I gave him to a friend, and he's happy and healthy," Silas replied

"I think I might want to be a veterinary doctor," Silas said, glancing at Elijah. "Is that okay? I know you want me to be an enigeer like you and dad,"

"You're still young," Elijah replied, shutting down his conversation.

"You're not my dad. I'm allowed to follow my dreams. I don't want to be stuck in your shadow,"

Elijah took a deep breath. "I can help you if you choose engineering. If you choose anything else, I can't,"

"Your support is enough for me. I do have your support, right? "

"Of course,"

"Why do you think you're in my shadow?"

"Everywhere I go, whenever they hear MacArthur, they assume you. I don't even get to be my own person. I'm Elijah MacArthur's younger brother. Not Silas,"

"You could have told me,"

"What can you do? You can't always be the hero, E."

"For you, I'd pretty much do anything. We're family,"

Silas nodded back. "So, are you going to tell me what's going on between you and Diana?"

"There's nothing between me and Diana," Elijah replied

"Yeah, there is. You're practically flirting with your eyes." Silas grinned

"Did you hit your head?" Elijah rolled his eyes. "What bullshit are you saying?"

"So why did you invite her for Christmas? If she doesn't mean anything,"

"Because--because..." He couldn't think of a reason. "She was alone, and I thought it would be a nice gesture if I invited her,"

"Because you have feelings for her,"

"I don't have feelings for her. It's a professional relationship,"

"I don't see you invited any of your other partners for Christmas. You might not be able to admit it, but you do,"

"And what do you know about relationships? You're 17,"

"18 in two months. I know a lot, and I attend high school."

"You're full of shit, Si."

"And you're in denial,"

"Dear Mr MacArthur, you've been cordially invited to Dexter Roberts NYC Exhibition on New Year's Eve."

"Dress code is smart. The exhibition begins at 7. Bring a plus one," Paul read out the email to him. He put the tablet down, leaning back as he ran a hand through his hair

"Who's Dexter Roberts?" Silas glanced at his brother. Elijah sat up straight.

"An artist I met in Singapore," Elijah replied. "So, who's being my plus one?"

"Bagies, not me," Silas yelled

"Not me," Paul said

"I hate your parties," Silas rolled his eyes. "Ask Diana?" He smirked. Elijah rolled up his newspaper, slapping the back of his head. "Why would I ask Diana?"

"To spend time with her,"

"What's going on? Are you and Diana?" Paul asked

"No, Silas isn't right in the head nowadays," Elijah replied

"He's in denial. He has feelings for her. She found a way into his black heart,"

"Shut up, Si,"


"No," Elijah said. "I don't have feelings for Diana. She's a friend,"

"Uh huh, that's how it starts," Silas grinned

"I'm really going to hurt you one of these days, Silas. You're pissing me off,"

Elijah stormed off just as Alfonso pushed himself inside. "Where's Elijah?" Alfonso glanced around

"Gone off to sulk," Silas replied "Why?"

"He needs to check something. Why are you giving him a hard time?"

"It's funny,"

Alfonso found Elijah on the balcony. "Hey son," He said, causing Elijah to snap out of his thoughts.

"Pa, what are you doing up here?" Elijah put down his glass and helped him get closer

"Chasing you," Alfonso rolled his eyes. "Is it true? You have feelings for Diana,"

"I don't know what I feel for Diana, Pa. I've never been in a relationship. I wouldn't know where to start,"

"Do you think about her? Consuming all your thoughts,"

"Kind of, I guess,"

"What about when you see her? Does your heart start beating fast? Can't form sentences, stuff like that,"


"Elijah, you're nearly 30. You should put yourself out there more. Not every girl is like Patricia,"

"Pa, back then, no one wanted to be associate with me because I had no money. Now, everyone wants to know for the money. I don't want to spend my time chasing someone who wants my money more than me. I want what you and mom have,"

"And you'll find it, but not even trying will get you nowhere."

Elijah took a deep sigh. He closed his eyes.

"You know I'd like grandkids soon,"

"Grandkids? Really dad,"

"I want my bloodline to continue,"

"You have Silas for that,"

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Elijah. You'll find your person."

"Thanks, dad,"

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