Thirty Nine

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"Elijah, what happened?" Maria rushed into the hospital room, followed by Silas and Paul.

Elijah lay in the hospital bed, covered in bruises, his arm and leg bandaged in casts. He looked nothing like his former self.

"Nothing, just a couple of thugs," Elijah replied. "I'm okay."

"No, you're not. Elijah, you listen to me. I'm not losing my baby," Maria exclaimed.

"Mama, I'm fine. Calm down."

"Calm down? How can I? You're my baby boy," Maria replied.

"I'm alive, I'll recover," Elijah reassured.

Maria cried as Elijah pulled her closer into his arms. "Mama, come on, you're going to make me cry."

She held him until she came down. "What happened?"

"I was leaving the bar and got attacked by thugs."

"Did you get a look at their faces?"


"I'll inform Charlie," Paul said, reaching for his phone as he left the room.

Silas watched the scene silently as Diana appeared. "Do you mind giving us a moment?"

"Sure." Once his family left and was out of earshot, Diana began crying. "My father did this to you?"

Elijah nodded back.

"A lesson to stay away from you."

"Yeah, he sent me a video. I'm so sorry, Elijah. I never meant to drag you into my mess. My father—"

"It's my mess regardless. If this is going to happen between us, your father needs to accept us."

Diana was struck with guilt. He pulled her closer as she leaned down on his chest. "I'm ready to fight for this relationship, are you?"
Diana sat in her office, unable to focus. All she thought was Elijah and that vile video her father had sent. She was disgusted by his lack of morals.

She heard a knock, and a figure appeared in her doorway. "Is this a good time to talk?"

Diana nodded.

"How about we grab lunch? It's been a while since I've been in New York," Diana nodded, following him out. They passed Kim on the way down, who gave a suspicious look. Diana couldn't say anything.

They went to the local restaurant, getting in without a reservation. "When did you come back?"

"Just got in last night," Colin replied. "Your father called mine and said it was time."

"I don't want to marry you; I'm with someone else."

"MacArthur, right? Your father told me," Colin nodded. He sighed, relaxing back in his seat. "I have no desire to marry you either."

"Then let's work together and find a way out."

"Sure, Diana."

Diana smiled back. She felt relieved; there was a way out of this horrible mess. She headed over to the hospital, whereas Colin met with Dexter Frost.

"She fell for it. She believes we are working together," Colin informed.

"Good. My daughter is so gullible," Dexter said.

Across town, in the hospital, Diana was with Elijah. The swelling on his face had reduced a bit. He smiled as he saw her. "Hey."

"Hi," he whispered.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired. I want to go home."

"First, focus on recovering, then you can go home."

"Hey, look at me. Why can't you look me in the eye?"

"Because my father did this. I feel so guilty. It's killing me."

"Hey, you are not your father, so don't ever hide away from me," Elijah assured as he lifted her chin, so she glanced at him.

"I could really do with a movie," Elijah said.

"Me too."


Charlie walked into the hospital room as he noticed Diana asleep in Elijah's arms. It was a sweet moment. He never thought he'd see Elijah close with someone else.

He left, like Diana noticed his presence as she woke up. "Oh hey."

"Hi," he smiled back. "Can we talk?"


They headed down to Starbucks. "Elijah told me what happened. Diana, I don't want to interfere in your relationship but—"

"It's not safe. I know."

"I've looked into what I can do, but because your father has connections, this case will be thrown out before it reaches court."

"I know, I'm trying to sort something out."

"You should be honest with him. If you can't be together, tell him now before you end up breaking him. Stringing him along is not fair to him."

"I know. I'm going to be honest with him. I can't lose him."

"Good because he deserves someone that is by his side no matter what." They returned to the room; Elijah was still fast asleep. Diana gathered her stuff and left with Charlie.

He was right. It was time she came clean.

She climbed into her car and drove to her father's house. As she arrived at the gate, they automatically opened.

He knew she'd come.

He was waiting for her.

The staff showed her inside where her father sat in front of the big fireplaces. Whisky was on his left, and he had a cigarette in his hand.

"Hey, my darling."

"Don't darling me. How could you hurt Elijah?"

"Hurt him? I didn't even touch him."

"I know you did. You're the reason he's in the hospital."

"Now that's an accusation."

"What will it take you to leave him alone?" Diana asked.

"You know my answer. You just have to accept it, darling."

"I'd rather die."

"You're forgetting I have two daughters."

"You stay away from Nicole."

"Diana?" I heard my sister's voice. I turned around as she ran into my arm. "Di, he said I had to come with him. I was scared. I didn't know what to do."

"It's okay. You're alright," I assured her.

"You know what you need to do," my father said.

"Fine, I will. Just give me some time to tell Elijah."

"Clock's ticking."

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