Thirty Seven

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The rest of the day, Diana was upset. She felt heartbroken. She hated her father for the vile men she was. After work, she went around to Elijah's apartment, finding him at home.

His entire demeanour changed. The cold face was gone as it turned softer and warmer. He laid back on his couch as she walked over. "This is a nice surprise?"

"Yeah, I wanted to see you," She forced a smile for him. He made her happier. Her problems disappeared when she looked at him

She fell into his arms, wrapping an arm around him. She sighed, feeling the tears surface and letting it out.

"Diana?" Elijah asked, concerned. "What happened?" He pulled her closer, trying to see her

"I'm a bad person," She muttered in between her sobs

"Why? What happened,"

"Nothing. I'm just sad," She replied

A while later, she calmed down. She freshened up in his bathroom as he returned from the kitchen with snacks.

"You want to talk?" Elijah asked, calmly. He was trying to make sense of what happened but he came up with nothing

"Not really." She shook her head. Elijah nodded back as he sat down. "I'm here to talk,"

"What happened that you are scared of relationships?" Diana changed the subject.

"My high school crush played with me and it fucked me up badly. At school, there was this girl who was always nice to me. She smiled, talked to me and didn't treat me like a parasite like the other kids did. I didn't have new clothes, it was all donated to us and it made me stick out. I mistaken her kindness for attraction. I was 16.

What happened was she was dared by her friends to lead me on and ask me to the end of year prom. The stupid idiot I was and believed her. When I got there, I found it was a dare. She humiliated me in front of everyone. Since then, I kept my heart protected,"

Diana wasn't expecting it but he opened up to her. He felt a burden had been lifted off her shoulder bit she just felt more terrible.

"You're a great guy Elijah. She's an idiot for not seeing it,"

"16 year old me and this me are completely different people, Diana."

"I don't think so. You try to act like it doesn't bother you but deep down, underneath it all, you're a good person. You're just afraid of showing it,"

"And what? You see through me,"

"I grew up with a narcissistic father. I know a thing or two about hiding your true emotions," Diana replied

"Maybe we are not so different,"


They stayed on the couch, talking and losing track of time. "Shit, it's late. Nikki is probably worried about me," Diana peeked at the time and began gathering her things.

"Yeah, it's late" Elijah nodded back. "Text me when you get home"

"Bye, Elijah" She left in a rush

"Bye, Diana,"

Elijah closed the door, dropping onto his couch. He had a weird feeling, he was happy. Why was he feeling this way?

He called up Alfonso and talked to his parents before falling asleep. The next day, he was wide awake, he showered, and went for a jog before hitting the gym. He wasn't in the mood to go to work today, so he decided to spend the day with his parents.

"Boss to Paul, I'm not coming today"

"Kay boss, Roger that. I'll look after everything. " Paul assured

Potential | The Innocent Billionaire |#1 MacArthur Series|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora