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"Sir, the interview for the new employees were suppose to start ten minutes ago" Paul popped his head through the door as he reminded Elijah as his meeting with Coastal and Co ran over time

Elijah nodded, getting to his feet. He grabbed his jacket, buttoning it up as made his way to the conference room. Outside the room there was a long line of people. He reached the front of the line

"Sorry for the delay, Chris send them in one by one" Elijah instructed, walking into the room. He sat down with a notepad and pen as the first person walked

Most of the applicants were male worker, some unqualified. It wasn't till the fifth interview that Trisitan worked through the door he had hope

"Tristan, nice to see you again" Elijah smiled

"You too Elijah" They shook hand

"I go by Sir or Mr MacArthur in the office" Elijah folds his arms as he sat back in the chair

"Okay Sir"

"Take a seat"


"We'll be in contact in the next couple of days" He smiled at Tristan as he got up to shake his hand.

There was something about him that reminded Elijah of his younger brother.

The next couple of interview ran till the final one then he could finally relax. Paul walked into his office and took a seat at the desk, raising his feet to the table.

"Why do you look so happy?" Elijah raised an eyebrow. He finally gave in and had to find out the smirk on his face

"Just" Paul smirked in his laidback position

"Don't you have work to do?" Elijah asked

"Yeah, a tonne but I'm taking a break. It's good for my mental health" Paul smirked, getting the reaction he intended out of Elijah. Elijah threw his feet off the table

"Mental health, my ass. Next you'll be complaining I'm too much of a headache" Elijah rolled his eyes

"You are though bossman" Paul sighed. He met Elijah's gaze, finally asking the question he wanted to. "You ever get tired of being the guy that gets to crush people's dream or make them"

"Your point is--"

"It's just so cool. Having that much power, isn't it?"

"I guess" Elijah shrugged. "I don't look at the experience or what's written on the paper, everyone has a story worth listening to. If it's worthy, I'll give it"

Paul nodded as he continued. "Not too long ago I was the other side of the table too"

"Lunch?" Paul asked, diverting the topic

"Nah, I'm meeting dad" Elijah replied

"Oh cool. Tell him I said hi"


Elijah left for lunch with his father. They had that designated time and it was their thing and gave them time to catch up since Elijah had a busy schedule

"Hey Pa" Elijah walked into the cafe where his father awaited. He kissed his father's cheek as he sat down

"Son" Alfonso smiled which he rarely did. For someone that didn't know Alfonso, he have quite a intimidating impression that hadn't changed since Elijah was a kid

"You okay?"

"Yeah" Alfonso nodded "I would ask about business but you know I don't understand that"

"Pa, don't worry about that. I'll handle that. What's new?" Elijah asked

"Nothing, I just want to spend time with my son"

"I'm here now. What should we order? The steak sounds nice"

"I was thinking lobster" Alfonso smirked

"Ooh. Let's get that"

A week later and Elijah was up to his shoulders in work. Paperwork, formalities, deals and transaction.

"Hey brother" Silas walked into his office, seeing his brother stressed. Elijah was never stressed.

"Silas, not now" He replied, not even looking up from pile of papers he was buried in

"But Elijah--" He whines, figuring how to get his brother's attention. "Fine" He say down in front of his brother.

"Elijah, fancy that drive. You look like you need it." Silas offered with a cheeky grin

"Silas, I'm busy" Elijah sighed in frustration

"Brother, I know you think I am too young but when you're stress you're not fully dedicated so take the ride with me and calm down, relax and  then you can come back"

"Fine, come on" Elijah listened to his younger brother because he had a point.

"By the way, what car did you bring?" Elijah asked as they got into the lift

"Lamborghini. It's going to be so cool"

"Try not break any law brother"

"Can't promise that"

Potential | The Innocent Billionaire |#1 MacArthur Series|Where stories live. Discover now