Twenty Six

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be shortly arriving in Singapore. Please prepare for landing," The pilot announced.

Hearing that, the air hostess walked over to Elijah and shook him away. "Sir, please fasten your seatbelt." The hostess came around again asking for snacks or food, but he declined anything.

Elijah couldn't function on a plane. He spent most of the time throwing up and then having a fever afterwards

He fastened his seatbelt and watched from the window as the plane went down.

When the plane touched down, he couldn't wait to be out of the plane.

He went through immigration and got his luggage, and went out to be greeted with the chairman of Clover Industries. He worked closely with them as they produced wind turbines, and Elijah supplied them with engines

"Mr MacArthur, Welcome to Singapore," Mr Chen shook his hand. Elijah tried acting professional when all he wanted to was sleep

"Thank you,"

"The car is this way," Mr Chen directed . Elijah followed him to the car.

"We have made you a reservation at Zeus Hotel. It is one of the five star hotel,"

"Thank you." He climbed into the car. "Driver, please go straight there. I'm not well. "

The driver nodded and turned the car around. They arrived at the hotel, and he was greeted by the owner, who showed him his room.

Firstly, he called up his mother, telling him he got there safely. Secondly, was Paul to get an update on the reservation

Then he took a shower and slept through the night


He was in Sinagpore a couple of days earlier than his plan, so he got some time to explore and look around before the fair. Mr Chen was more than happy to show him around

He went shopping for gifts for his family. He found some unique gifts in the street markets of Singapore.

His plan was to surprise everyone Christmas as he wasn't a Christmas fan, so it would be even better surprise. After hus trip, it was still earlier so he decided to hit the beach,

He changed into his shorts and got his briefcase. At the beach, he found a bench and got to work.

"Now why does a guy like you have his laptop out on the beach?" He heard a familiar voice. It was one he unfortunately recognised the voice and prayed it wasn't true. Elijah rolled his eyes at her as she sat next to him

"Has the world run out of places for you to visit?" He asked, tapping away on his keyboard

"I'm here for the fair. Singapore has a lot of new and sustainable projects on going. I had to check it out," She simply replied

"What are you doing at the beach then?"

"Staring at the cute guys." She shrugged as Elijah rolled his eyes once again. He huffed as he got to his feet. He closed his laptop and took off his shirt. "I'm going for a swim, can you look after my laptop?"

"Jerk," Diana muttered under her breath as she turned the laptop around. She didn't say no, so he took it as a yes and dashed for the water

Elijah took his time swimming in the sea. As soon as his body made contact with water, he felt he could relax. The budern had been lift off his shoulders. He spot Diana snopping through his laptop and jumped out immediately.

"Done snopping?" Elijah surprised her, standing behind her, shirtless and wet. He reached for a towel

"I wasn't snopping. I was just curious. You could change your password. Silas123 isn't a good password. " She said

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