Forty Two

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Diana was waiting when Elijah arrived at the office. He ignored her as he walked past to his office. "Elijah,"

"Leave me alone, Diana. I have nothing to say to you,"

"That's not why I'm here. We have a meeting," Diana said

Elijah looked across at Paul. "Do I have a meeting?"

"Yes, sir," Paul nodded

"Set up the meeting room and show Miss Frost the way," He instructed to Paul. He walked into his office, shutting the door behind him as he took a deep breath.

He could do it

He told himself he was going to be okay. He gathered his laptop, heading over to the meeting room. "Do you want me to stay?" Paul asked

"It's okay," Elijah assured with a nod. He watched Paul walk out and close the door before turning to Diana.

They both managed to keep the relationship professional, although Diana was dying to speak to convince him, but he remained cold and unbothered.

"Miss Frost," He called as she was packing up. "This is the first and last time my company will be working with yours."


"I don't like liars, Miss Frost," He said before turning around and walking out. Diana gathered her stuff, packing it back into her bag.

As she left, she overheard Paul on the phone.

"Yeah, I need caterers for the weekend," Paul said. "My boss is having a party,"

"Paul, I can help," Diana offered. He paused on the phone and turned to her.

"I don't think it's a good idea,"

"Please, I want to make it right. Let me do this," Diana pleaded

"Fine, but he can't find out," Paul replied


After work, Charlie managed to convince Elijah to meet. They went to the coffee shop nearest to Charlie's office.

"What's going on with you, Elijah?" Charlie asked. They had been friends long enough to know when something was wrong with Elijah. He would have one of those moods, being all self-destructive.

"I found out Diana was with someone else. She was playing with me all along," Elijah replied. It was the first time he had said it out loud, and it felt good but also heartbreaking to say.

"Oh man, I'm sorry," Charlie replied

"Yeah. Heartbreak sucks,"

"Elijah, there are other women out there. You'll find your person," Charlie assured

"Love just isn't for me brother." Elijah replied. "Which is good because I can focus on my work,"


"Charlie, nothing you do is going to change my mind. I'm done with people. No one is worth the heartbreak," He replied.

Charlie sighed. "Don't lose hope. You'll find that person and you'll never doubt yourself."

"Annie sent me this tweet the other day. It said some of us find our person on the first try. The rest had to go through the spawn of devils before finding theirs. You're just in that spawn of devil stage," Charlie replied

"Why is your wife sending you tweets like that?"

"That's not important. You'll find your person soon. There is someone for everyone,"

"Easy for you to say. You have a wife,"

"And you're a sad person. Come on, you need some cheering up. Let's hit the gym. You can take out your anger and sadness,"


"Well, how about we switch things up? Ever tried boxing to let off some steam?" Charlie asked, glancing around the gym. Elijah shook his head, but he was intrigued, a faint glimmer of curiosity breaking through his sadness.

"Boxing, huh? I've never really done it, but why not?"

Charlie leads Elijah to the boxing area, gloves in hand.

"Trust me, it's a great stress reliever. Plus, it's an excellent workout. Put on these gloves, and let's hit the bag." Charlie buzzed with energy.

As they start throwing punches, Charlie encourages Elijah to release his emotions into the workout. Elijah gradually gets into the flow, the rhythmic sound of punches echoing in the gym.

"That's it! Let the frustration out."

Elijah, despite the initial somber mood, starts to crack a smile.

"This is actually kind of fun, Charlie." Elijah commented

"See? It's like therapy with gloves on. I often work out when me and the missus fight,"

They continue the session, the intensity of the workout helping Elijah forget his troubles, if only for a moment.

Charlie: "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, surprisingly. Thank you, Charlie." Elijah gave an appreciative nod, reaching for his water bottle

"No problem, Elijah. Sometimes a change in routine is all you need. And hey, if you ever need to talk, I'm here."

"I appreciate that, Charlie. I want to hit the weights too,"

"I suggested you don't. Let's call it a day," Charlie replied

Leaving the boxing area, Elijah appears more energized, grateful for Charlie's thoughtful suggestion to shake off the emotional weight through a different kind of workout. He was used to bottling his emotions, leading to his outbursts.

Charlie offered to drive home. "I've got offers to expand into Washington," Elijah randomly said

"That's great, brother. Your work is getting recognised,"

"I don't know if I should go. It's across the country and I've got mom and dad to think about,"

"You should go. Your parents are healthy and safe and it's only a plane ride away,"

"I don't know when I'd be back," Elijah added

"Think about it. It's what you wanted, Elijah. Remember, in school. You used to say one day, the entire world will know my name. This is your chance. Why are you hesitating?"

"Things are messy,"

"This is about Diana?" Charlie asked.

"I still want her. Despite the heartache, I want her,"

"It comes down to which one do you want more?"

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