Thirty Eight

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As Josh concluded his presentation, the room resonated with polite applause, yet amidst the outward commendation, Elijah's mind lingered on the impending series of meetings. The employees dispersed into conversations, a cacophony enveloping the room. Elijah and Paul exchanged a look before discretely making their exit, their thoughts likely swamped with the overwhelming schedule ahead.

"How many more meetings?" Elijah asked, his tone tinged with exhaustion

"Three more," Paul mentioned in a measured tone, noticing his boss's mood.

Elijah sighed audibly, his weariness evident. "The joys of being a businessman," he muttered, with a hint of resignation, only to be met by Silas's buoyant grin, a stark contrast to Elijah's dejection.

"Suck it up, bro, perks of being a businessman," Silas chimed in, his usual joviality cutting through the serious atmosphere.

"Silas, shouldn't you be in school?" Elijah redirected his attention to Silas, his patience wearing thin.

"I was just about to expla—" Silas began.

"I don't care. Just spare me the details," Elijah interjected, already overwhelmed by the day's proceedings.

"Boss," Paul interjected, glancing at his watch. The next meeting was starting soon

"I'm coming," Elijah acknowledged, signaling an end to the conversation

Diana entered Elijah's office around lunchtime, seeking him out amidst his busy schedule.

"Hello," Silas greeted her, leaping up from his seat and twirling in the chair with an impish grin.

"Where's Elijah?" Diana inquired.

"Unfortunately, stuck in meetings," Silas replied with a friendly smile. "But you've got me for now."

"I'd prefer to speak with Elijah," Diana asserted.

"Hey!" Elijah's entrance interrupted their exchange. He glanced between Diana and his brother, puzzled by the situation.

That evening in his study, a brief, intimate moment passed between Elijah and Diana, a silent agreement hanging in the air as they continued with their respective lives, unperturbed.

"Care for lunch?" Elijah unexpectedly asked Diana, prompting Silas to lift his head in surprise.

"Diana, what magic have you cast? He's never asked me out for lunch," Silas teased.

"Enough distractions, Silas, focus on your work," Elijah retorted with a roll of his eyes."Paul, ensure Silas heads back to school and stays there," Elijah instructed over the intercom."I'll leave, clearly not wanted here," Silas quipped, leaving for Paul's office.

"Your car is coming,"

"How long do you think between E and Diana get together?" Silas asked Paul

"Two months," Paul replied

"My money is on 3"

"Deal." Paul shook his hand as he sat down at his desk and got back to work.

"You're lucky," Silas sighed


"Because my big bro in there looks out for you more than he does me." He smiled back. "Consider it a compliment."

"What do you mean?" Paul coughed, opening a file. He had heard it before from other colleagues who were jealous of him, but he never wanted to believe it

"You know, he considers you his brother. Not that I mind. I like having you as my brother. You're way more fun than Elijah," Silas smiled, putting a stapler back on his desk

"Thanks, Silas."

"No problem, I'll see you later,"


Elijah and Diana went to a local cafe, away from paparazzi. The media was after him since his new deal in Seattle and Toronto.

"How are the meetings?" Diana asked

"Absolutely disastrous. It's the day I hate the most, but it needs to happen,"

She nodded back. "Can we talk about us?"

"What about us?"

She sighed as he leaned in closer. "The kiss?"

She nodded back

"It was bound to happen if we were going out. Remember what you told me that night at the bakery. Is that okay for you?"

"Yeah," Diana replied hesitantly. Her father's word ran in her mind as much she tried ignoring them she knew her father would ruin everything before it started

She had to find another way out.

The waiter came over, taking their order.

"What can I get you?"

"I'll have the lasange, and my girl can decide for herself," Elijah said, inspecting the menu. Diana stared in shock at him.

Did he say my girl?

"I'll have the alfredo pasta," Diana said as they handed the menu back. He reached for her hand and held it.

After lunch, they returned to the office as Elijah was dragged into meetings again, so Diana decided to ask Paul.

"How did you become Elijah's assistant?" She quietly asked

"Let's just he's saved me from a wrong path. I owe him a lot. He respected me and treated me like a human being, treated me like his family, so I'm not complaining. I love my job. We can have a laugh sometimes, and I can trust him. "

"I wasn't expecting that. For a guy like him, I expected you to be a harvard graduate," Diana replied

The way Paul carried himself, behaved as a mature adult, you'd expect him to be a college graduate, but Diana was proved wrong once again.

"Trust me, you're not the first and not the last. I didn't even go to college, but Elijah told me he saw potential in me like someone did for him. Ever since then, he's been my friend, brother, and boss,"

"That's really sweet,"

"That's the thing about Elijah. He doesn't care about your past. He cares about who you are, and that's one thing I admire about him," Paul smiled

"Mr MacArthur, glad you make it," Dexter Frost glanced back from the bar. Elijah walked closer, taking a seat next to him.

"Your text made it sound urgent," Elijah observed him, but Elijah couldn't get a read on him. He seemed relaxed and carefree, which made him wonder his purpose for being here

"Can I get you a drink?" Dexter asked, pouring himself another drink

"No, I'm driving. Why am I here?"

"Come on, loosen up," Dexter smiled. When he realized Elijah wasn't changing. Dexter's face dropped

"I'm warning you. Stay away from my daughter,"

"With all due respect, sir, you can't tell me what to do,"

"But I can Elijah. I'm a powerful man, I know all about you, your little brother, Silas, your assistant Paul, your parents. Trust me, you don't want to cross me because I'll go after them,"

"You think you can come into my city and threaten my family. You may run Seattle like this, but New York is my city. Just like you, I have connections everywhere,"

"You talk a big game, but I've been in this game a lot longer than you. Take my warn and stay away or pay the price,"

He swallowed his drink in one gulp. "Boys, teach Mr MacArthur a lesson," a group of bulky men came at Elijah

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