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"Elijah, the tv isn't working" Alfonso yelled.

Elijah who was busy reading a book, rolled his eyes and got out of bed. He threw on a shirt and left his glasses on his face as he went downstairs to the living room. His father sat in his wheelchair, violently pressing the remote

"Yes dad"

"Something is wrong with the tv again" He complained with a smile. Elijah took the remote and fixed the tv. " What do you want to watch?"

"The news"


He put on the news and sat there watching with his father in silence. Silas eventually joined them.

"How was school?" Alfonso asked

"Okay but I was thinking of transferring to another school"

"Why? Is anyone bullying you? What? Why all the sudden" Elijah rapidly fired questions at his younger brother. Silas had a small grin as he sighed

"Brother, calm down. I want to do engineering and the school doesn't offer it" Silas reasoned

"Oh, I'll help you search if that's what you really want"

"Yes I do" Silas nodded


Hearing his brother's dilemma had Elijah reflecting his own life. How he got to where he was. It was a rather interesting story.

Elijah was studying maths and engineering in Harvard University which he got in by a scholarship whilst having jobs to help with the income. One of them was a waiter for a expensive restaurant and it was by coincidence that a world renowned maths professor walked in. The hall was booked for an intervention. He asked a question that even his colleague couldn't answer but Elijah managed to.

"Elijah" his boss walked into the kitchen. A stern frown on his face. The guy never liked him

"Yes sir" He glanced up at his boss

"Don't mess this up. He's a really important person. I want your full attention" Boss said

"Okay sir"

He left the kitchen through the two black door to the massive hall room decorated especially for the college professor. Professor Will Wallace. He had an set at an intervention for the brightest kids in the whole state. It was just his bad luck that he missed the date of entry.

He heard the cameras flashing and chatter from the window. He guessed the professor was here and disappeared into the crowd already waiting.

"Elijah, what are you doing. Go and serve this" The boss gave him a plate of appetizers

"Okay kids. Are we all alright?" The professor asked

"Yes" they yelled back

He placed the appetizers on the table and walked back to the kitchen and did the same on the rest of the table

"Now I know you all are bright students but even bright students forgot the simple logical so let's see who can answer a few question. By the way, neither could my colleague. Let's start with an easy one. The more you take the more you leave behind. What am I?"

Potential | The Innocent Billionaire |#1 MacArthur Series|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя