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"Bro, you coming" Silas knocked his room door, diverting Elijah attention from his files. He closed the folder, following his brother out

They got into the car, driving off to work.

"No slacking. Just because you're my brother doesn't mean you get to make fun of my workplace. Full commitment"

"Okay okay. I know bro. Just chill" Silas grinned, way too happy for this

"That what I'm worried about" Elijah muttered under his breath

"Hey, I can be a mature adult"

"We'll see" They arrive at the office. They take the lift to top office.

"Paul, call Tristian to my office"

"Yes sir"

"Who's Tristian?" Silas asked from behind

"You'll find out, brother" They walked into his office. Elijah unbuttoned his blazer and fell into his chair whilst Silas looked around

"You called sir" Tristian knocked and entered

"Yeah. Meet my idiotic younger brother. Silas" Elijah introduced

"Nice to meet you man" They shook hands

"He is here for work experience and is a genius with numbers so I thought you could let him follow you around and see how it is. You're quite similar in age and thought you'd get along"


"So he's my babysitter because you don't trust me" Silas frowned

"Is it bad that it's true"

"Ugh. I'm totally responsible"

"Sure thing little man. Be sure to send him for coffee."


"So Silas" Tristian emphasised trying to end the awkward silence. It was like they were set on a blind date and the rest of the office had their eyes gawking on them

"Tristian right. Elijah has a liking for you and that's strange. He doesn't like anyone" Silas leaned on the counter

Tristian pondered wondering if it was the true

"Maybe. Why doesn't he like any one?"

"He knows people true intention which is the sad reality. So what do I do? Fetch coffees" Silas sighed, throwing himself into a chair

"Here is the latest deal with Delta you can check the numbers" Tristian handed him a file

"Okay" He sat down and went through the file. Maybe he did underestimate the boy

"This is clean. No mistake" Tristian was impressed

"I have an eye for detail" Silas grinned

"Yeah right. Who have you blackmailed?"

"I'm good" Silas shrugged

"Yeah right."

"Really?" Tristian couldn't believe the idea

"Let's put it to the test" Silas grinned and next thing you know both the boys are playing games on computers.

"I assume my work is done" Elijah knocked on the door and enters in, glancing at them two he sighed
"Please don't tell this is what it looks like"

"We can explain"

"Don't. I haven't got the time. I'm confiscating this" He pulled out the wires of the console and took it with him.


"So brother is there a reason you set me on a blind date with Tristian" Silas asked in the lift

"Nope" Elijah shook his head

"Hmm" Silas pressed his lips together

"He remind me of my younger self. Innocent but ambitious and it made me think I haven't be able to spend time with you"

"Thanks but he's not my Elijah. I only got one of those. Bro, I don't need a replacement you're enough"

"Maybe I thought you won't like to spend time with your older brother and someone younger" Elijah shrugged.

They had an 10 year age gap and both from different generations with different upbringing.

"Not in my wildest dreams. Tristan is nice and cool but he's not you. He can never be you. You're an idiot to think other wise"  Silas looped his arm around Elijah's neck

They took the elevator down to the ground floor. "Brother, let's go out to eat"

"Where do you fancy?" Elijah asked as he took the key from the valet

"Er...that burger place in Queens. They have the best burgers" Silas replied, eagerly

Elijah nodded as he climbed into the car. He switched on the car, pressing the gas and driving out of the building.



"Do you think you'll ever be happy. I heard you talking to mom a couple days ago"

"Si, happiness is a illusion. You've got to be happy with what you have, not what you don't."

Silas nodded. "Don't worry about it, you are young. Enjoy it"

"I think about what you guys had to go through and now my life. It seems unfair that I get the luxury"

"Our beginning is what keeps me humble. When you're older and make your own money, that's your humility"

Silas nodded again. "I'll be here if you need help but you have to earn your own living"

"I get that, I won't be a spoilt brat brother"

Elijah nodded back. "Good because I'm expecting great things from you"

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