Fourty Three

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The morning sun streamed through the expansive windows, casting a warm glow on Elijah's face as he delved into the details of a potential expansion into Washington. Maps and financial projections adorned the walls, a visual manifestation of his ambition. The allure of new markets and uncharted territories fueled Elijah's focus, as he contemplated the next move that would solidify MacArthur Engines as an industry titan.

Amidst the stream of emails, conference calls, and strategic discussions, Elijah's mind was a well-tuned engine, processing information with clarity and precision.

He blocked out any thought of Diana. She wasn't a priority now

As the clock struck noon, Elijah took a moment to survey the landscape of his achievements. His company, once a modest endeavor, had become a force to be reckoned with. The satisfaction of seeing the fruits of his labor materialize into a thriving business was a reward that fueled his relentless pursuit of excellence.

He headed down to the floors below his, checking with his employees to ensure everything was in order. What he didn't expect to find was a baby. He picked up the newborn.

"Hello, who are you, and what are you doing here?" He asked the baby. By now, the office was silent. He looked around. "Who's child is this?"

"Mine," a woman at the back of the office replied.

"Why is your child at work?" He asked

"Sorry sir, that's my fault," Simon, the manager, said. "She told me she couldn't find childcare at short notice," He said

"Wait, what's going on? Clear the confusion, Simon,"

"She couldn't find anyone to look after her child, but she needed to come in to do her job,"

"Needed to?"

"Yes, sir,"

"Why couldn't you give her the day off?"

"Sir, it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the team if they had to do her work,"

"Hang on a second. Is it fair for her to bring her infant baby, expect to work and look after him because of something that was out of her control,"


"You're fired, and I will be reviewing all managers."

"Sir!" Simon cried.

The women walked over, reaching for her child. "What's your name?"

"Haille Foster,"

"Miss Foster, you don't have to come to work. Take the afternoon off, look after your child. I'll get my assistant to sort out work from home option for you,"

"Thank you, sir,"

"You don't need to thank me for being human."

He returned to his office to cool down and instructed Paul to review all his managers.

In the midst of this orchestrated chaos, an unexpected interruption occurred. Barry and Sam. Their laughter echoed through the otherwise composed corridors of MacArthur Engines, catching the attention of curious employees.

Elijah, momentarily torn between the familiarity of his routine and the warmth of his friendships, welcomed them into his office. Barry's infectious humor and Sam's more contemplative presence injected a burst of life into the solemnity of the workspace.

"Elijah, my man! How have you been?" Barry exclaimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Elijah chuckled, a rare display of amusement that hinted at the depth of his connection with these friends. Sam, ever the thoughtful one, stepped forward with a more serious expression.

"We've heard about Diana. How are you holding up?" Sam inquired, his gaze penetrating beyond the surface.

Elijah, momentarily taken aback by the sincerity of the inquiry, allowed a glimpse of vulnerability to surface.

"I've moved on. She isn't worth the headache for me,"

Barry and Sam exchanged glances, their concern unmasked. The trio moved from the formal setting of Elijah's office to a more relaxed meeting space, where the conversation.  As they settled into a dialogue about Diana and her father, Paul walked in.

"Mr. MacArthur, these are the latest projections for the Washington expansion. I've also prepared the agenda for the upcoming board meeting," Paul announced, his tone a perfect blend of professionalism and efficiency.

"Thank you, Paul. I'll review them shortly," Elijah acknowledged, briefly torn between the ongoing discussion and the pressing matters that demanded his attention.

Barry, ever the perceptive one, interjected, "You're moving to Washington,"

"Expanded there. Recently I received a good opportunity,"

"Are you sure you're not running away from Diana?"

"I'm not,"

As Elijah MacArthur drove home, the weight of unspoken pain lingered in the air. Unbeknownst to him, Diana Frost, consumed by loneliness and remorse, found herself on the edge of despair. He paused the car for fresh air when he noticed a figure in a small alley. He paused to turn around when he noticed Diana. A group of men followed her

"Diana," He called out. She turned around and ran into his arms.
Elijah's heart wavered between empathy and the hurt she had caused. Yet, he couldn't turn away from someone in such a vulnerable state.

"You shouldn't be out alone at this time, come on," He opened his car door

"I am capable of looking after myself," She shot back

"I'm sure you are," Elijah replied as he closed the door and returned to his driver's seat. He climbed into the car and drove home

Inside Elijah's apartment, a heavy silence hung in the air, broken only by the distant sounds of the city outside. Diana sat on the couch, her eyes tracing the patterns in the fabric as Elijah prepared a cup of tea in the dimly lit kitchen. The weight of their shared history lingered, casting shadows on the room.

Elijah handed her the steaming cup, their eyes meeting briefly, a mix of emotions unspoken. "Take your time," he said, choosing understanding over judgment. As Diana sipped the tea, the warmth seemed to thaw the icy walls around her heart.


"You can stay. We can talk tomorrow,"

Elijah, sensing her need for solace, found a blanket and draped it gently over her shoulders. In that simple gesture, a quiet comfort settled in the room. He got up and walked towards his bedroom. With one final look, he knew he made the right choice by letting her stay

Potential | The Innocent Billionaire |#1 MacArthur Series|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin