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"Brother" Elijah said into his phone with Silas on the other side

"What do you want?" Silas rolled his eyes. He knew whenever Elijah called and was acting kind, he wanted someone

"We got invited to dinner" Elijah admitted. Paul couldn't find a good enough excuse so guess who was going

"You mean you did and you're going to drag me along" Silas groaned. He was his brother's plus one and sometimes it was annoying



"How's school, anyone bothering you?" Elijah changed the subject. Silas had just transferred to a private high school that focused on engineering

"No, it's all good" Silas nodded back

"Okay, I'll see you later" He hanged up, falling back into his seat. Dinner with your ex was never a good idea but she wasn't even an ex

It was a couple weeks before prom. Everyone was asking each other out. Elijah had his eyes set on one girl. One girl out of his league. She preferred rich jocks. He wore second hand clothes and hide in the classroom.

"Yo MacArthur" Bill smack him into the locker

"What do you want Jerry?" He dared to ask

"Don't forget who you are talking to, scum"

Bill Jerry, the bully of the school who happens to be best friend with Justin Maloney, the quarterback.

"Fuck off Jerry"

"MacArthur got tongue, we'll teach you a lesson"


His hand wander to the back of his neck where his scar was thanks to Bill and his friends

By five, Elijah left the office for home. Silas was already there playing with the pup.

"Have you named him?" He sat beside Silas, rolling up his sleeves

"I was thinking Jar, the 'jah' from your name"

"Jar, I like it" He stroked the pup "I'm going to shower and change then we'll go"

"Kay" Silas was too busy with the puppy. It brought a smile to Elijah a face.

He went back to his room, showing and then confused on what to wear.

"Bro, go for designer or casual. I took designer so put on a simple shirt and jeans" He glance at his brother who was wearing a Adidas hoodie and Valentino trainers"

Silas pulled out a black v neck polo shirt with jeans and a pair of trainers.

"Here, that should look good. Try it on"


"No, when you have fashion sense. Of course now"

He change into the clothes at his brother's persistence. "It looks good but you're missing something. Roll up your sleeves"

He did as he was told. "You need a watch"


"Here" Silas walks to the back of the room, picking out an expensive watch.

"You know how it goes" Elijah looked Silas in the eyes whilst strapping his watch.



Elijah and Silas arrived at Williams residence. It was massive but nothing compared to MacArthur's. A fountain was in the centre, cars circled around.  They weren't the only one's invited Henry greeted them as they entered.

"Henry" Elijah smiled, shaking Henry's hand


"Nice to see you could make it"

"This is my younger brother Silas" Elijah introduced

"Well come in. We also invited couple of friends and partners. You are the last I think" Henry showed the way. He seem like a nice guy but Elijah still remained on edge. He didn't mix well with the rich.

"There is something called fashionably late" The room turned silent as Elijah words were the last said. All heads turned to them


"Let me introduce you to a few people" Henry holds out his hand

"Wait a minute." Elijah turned to Silas. "Sit down and don't talk to anyone and don't get drunk"

"I know brother"

"Shall we?" Henry smiled at him as he nodded. " Mr and Mrs Clifford Sans. They are one of the oldest investors."

"Elijah MacArthur, nice to meet you"

"Oh the boy who become a millionaire in less than a decade" Mr Clifford swings his champagne glass


"It's quite impressive and you are still young" Mr Clifford said. Elijah nodded back  "Thank You sir"

"Meet Mr Simon Rhodes, a former partner of mine"

"Nice to meet you"

Simon Rhodes wasn't much of a talker and Elijah had no intention of carrying the conversation. "Oh hey babe" Henry wrapped his arms around his wife who is talking to another man.

"Hey" She kissed his cheek

"Elijah as you know my wife and her friend Justin Maloney and his wife Brittany Maloney"

So the quarterback and the queenbee got together. He notice Patricia stiffen as she remained in his arms.

"We knew an Elijah back in our day. He was so poor. I wonder where he ended up" Brittany said.  I nodded back to them, going on along with it. I wanted to see the surprise in their faces.

"Babe, he's probably still cleaning shoes" Justin laughed with Brittany

"Patty, didn't you say you saw him again. What high school did you go Elijah?" Justin asked

"I went to Devonport High School" The recognition hit them hard

"Babe, I think Niall is calling you" Patricia averted Henry's curious glance, leaving me alone with them.


"My name is Elijah MacArthur" I told them "What? Surprised, that the boy you bullied is standing in front of you, worth more than you"

"But you're worth 32 billion dollars" Brittany scoffs

"So, this ain't high school. Welcome to the real world" I walked away from them back to Silas who was waiting.

"Bro, I thought I was going to have to get drunk just by waiting for you" Silas grinned

"So how's the party?" Silas smirked

"Old faces that I don't want to remember" Elijah ordered a soda

"But you're turning heads when you walk through the door a orrr" Silas laughed

"Okay Harry Styles" Elijah rolled his eyes.

"I'm surprised you know who that is" Silas chuckled

"You keep me up to date"

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