A Big Fan (Rockstar! Jyushimatsu x Shy! Fangirl! reader)

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He may not have sung with the music but him playing was enough. The fans cheered him on as he played, moving around the stage as he played. How he managed to make an already beautiful song even more beautiful and emotion filled I don't know. The last one to sing was Ichimatsu. God his voice was amazing.

I scream and squeal when he chose to sing awake and alive with Jyushimatsu.

(Replace the girl vocals with Jyushimatsu and Choromatsu is on drums)

As I was dancing and singing to the song the guy next to me moved closer. I glance at him but shrug. Until he wraps an arm around my waist and squeezed my ass. I squeal and back away into f/n who looked confused and concerned. "What happened? You okay?" She asks and I nod. "It's nothing." I say and go back to listening to them play. Though I swear I saw Jyushimatsu look in my direction. Halfway through the song the guy did again but wouldn't drop his hand.

That's when something unexpected happened.

"Hold up! Hold up!" Jyushimatsu shouts making his brothers stop "What do you think you're doing sir!" He says narrowing his eyes at the guy as I step away from him, shying at Jyushimatsu's stare. "Do you know him?" He asks me and I shook my head. He hums and hops off stage, walking up to the barrier.

"Why the hell are you touching a lady like that when she doesn't even know who you are?! I should have you kicked out for inappropriate behavior! You don't do that stuff when people are trying to enjoy themselves! Though I have better solution for the rest of this concert I'll by keeping my eye on you." He turns to look at me and smiles "As for you, come here." He says before helping me and my friend over the gate.

"You two can come up stage with me and my brothers." I couldn't believe my ears and I turn to look at f/n who smiles. So he lead us onto the stage before continuing where he and Ichimatsu left off. True to his word he kept his eyes on the guy, but so did his brothers.

The guys must have felt intimidated to have six pairs of eyes on him.

I was over the wall happy by the time the concert ended. F/n and I were about to leave the stage to go home but a voice called out to us. "Oi! Where are you going?" It was Karamatsu. We turn around both looking at him very confused. "Osomatsu suggested that you guys come with us for chance to talk and meet with us as to make up for what happened." He says with a smile and I turn to see f/n blushing.

"Sure." She says and I smile before nodding. We followed Karamatsu who lead us to their tour bus. "Yo! I'm back!" He says leading us in "Hey Karamatsu and hello to you ladies." Osomatsu says with a smile "Firstly, What are your names?" Choromatsu asks "Well I'm f/n and this is my friend y/n. Sorry she's shy." I turn to f/n with a small glare.

"It's nice to finally meet you." I say looking around to see Jyushimatsu wasn't here. "You look like you're looking for someone." Ichimatsu says with a smirk and I blush. "Well I was just curious where Jyushimatsu was."

"Right here!"

I flinch with a small squeal and turn to see Jyushimatsu stepping into the bus. "Heh sorry for scaring you! I'm told I have a loud voice." He says lowering his voice and I smile shyly "y-yeah..it's okay." I say and blush "um thanks for uh stopping that guy...though you didn't have to stop the concert for it." I say shyly and Jyushimatsu chuckles before patting my shoulder.

"That may be true. But it wasn't a big deal." He says with a wide smile. "Well thank you" I say and I saw him glance at my shirt. "Heh nice shirt. Did you make it?" I blush and shyly cover the fan art with a nod "well then don't cover it. It's really good." He says before moving my hands away and turning around towards his brothers "isn't the picture nice?" I blush hard as all the brothers look at my shirt with my art on it. They all nod with a few giving a thumbs up.

"Well...we should probably get going rig- huh? F/n?" I turn to see that she wasn't beside me anymore but rather was talking to Karamatsu with a blush on her face. "I really liked your voice when you sang Karamatsu. You have a nice voice." She says and Karamatsu hums "Well thank you. I see that you have just as nice a voice just from talking." He says making f/n blush.

"Well I guess we are staying for a little bit longer."

I was sitting on Jyushimatsu's bed with him as we talk. It had started out with talk about his band and my favorite songs with him talking about his brothers. Then it lead into talk about personal things like interests and hobbies. Now we were talking about our lives. He said how it was lonely being in the music business and I asked what he means.

"Well I mean I have my brothers sure but it's so hard to find someone who loves me." I tilt my head "when I say that I mean loves me for me not because of the fame. I had found one like that but then paparazzi got involved and she left me because she couldn't handle it." I frown slightly and lay a hand on his "I'm so sorry Jyushimatsu." I say and he hums "it's fine...I've grown use to it."

"But you shouldn't have to be use to it. Everyone needs love even those who don't think they do." I say and he smiles before looking at me "that's sweet y/n. But I don't know if it's meant for me because of my career choice. It's hard to find someone who can love me for me." I look down with a blush

"um..well..I love you for you." I say and he hums "I love your music but I also love your personality and how silly you are when not performing. It's a little embarrassing but sometimes at home I would watch videos of you being yourself and I love them. Though I always told myself don't let your crush grow into anything major because I knew I couldn't possibly be with you."

Jyushimatsu hums before smiling and held my hand "y/n do you have a boyfriend?" I sigh and shook my head. He lifted my head up with his free hand "Do you want one?" My eyes widen "ehh? I mean...yeah I do but why do you want to know?" I ask and he leans in. I gulp but stay put as he leans in to kiss me. I squeak softly but shyly kiss back with a sigh. I wrap my arms around his neck as he caresses my cheek.

He pulled away and I whimper softly, shyly pulling him back into another kiss. He just chuckled and kissed back. I pull away with a blushing face and saw a small blush on his face as well. "Y/n..would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asks and I nod making him smile widely. He pulled me into a hug and I hug him back.

I couldn't believe it. I was one of his biggest fans, now I'm a fan and his girlfriend. I felt so happy.

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