Our Flower (Karamatsu+Ichimatsu x Flowerfairy! reader)

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Halfway through I snuggle up to him feeling a little tired. He lays his head on mine and continued to the end. When he strummed the last note and brought his hand up to rest on the side of my head as he kissed my forehead. "Y/n?" I hum with a yawn "I..I think I'm falling in love with you." I blush and smile

"I think Ichimatsu is too..slowly but surely." I say and look up at him "but I think I am too Karamatsu." He smiled happily and kissed my forehead. He pulled away and paused. I saw his eyes glance to my lips so I held his face and close my eyes. I hear him gulp before holding my shoulders and pulling me closer until our lips touched. I hum and tilt my head. I moved one hand up to thread through his hair.

I knew they loved me. They made it so obvious.


I wasn't feeling that good so Ichimatsu was watching me while Karamatsu left to grab something for me. I was panting softly and was pretty tired yet I didn't fell asleep. He lays his hand on my face and hums with a concerned face. "You aren't heating up. So maybe you just caught a simple sickness." He says and I laugh softly "yeah..probably..I feel so tired." I say with a groan and Ichimatsu glances around before holding my hand. I look up at him as he started to sing.

I was in shock at first but smile. He blushed hard when he saw I was focused on him. His voice was so low and beautiful. When he stopped I squeezed his hand and beckoned him closer. He leaned over and I lean in to kiss him. He tensed up but relaxed with a heavy sigh. I pull away and hug him. "Well I hope I don't get sick." He says and I smile "that's be terrible." I say with a smile

I knew he wouldn't get sick.


I laying against Ichimatsu with Karamatsu in front of us. Both were holding my hands and hugging me. I hadn't gotten better and they were so concerned but I told them, "just hold me." But my breaths became unsteady and I saw my right foot become see through. I had hoped that they wouldn't see...but they did. "Y/n! You're fading!" Karamatsu exclaimed and I hum "yeah..I guess I am..heh"

I held his face and smile "it's okay..flower fairies aren't really meant to stay around forever." I say as Karamatsu's eyes brim with tears and I feel Ichimatsu tighten his grip while shoving his face into my back. Karamatsu held my wrists with tears leaving his eyes. He wasn't the only one crying. Ichimatsu was crying, that's why he hide his face.

Karamatsu then held my face and pulled me into a kiss. I kiss back and went to pull away but he held the back of my head. Ichimatsu moves to nuzzle into my neck. I blush and wrap my arms around his neck. Karamatsu hummed and tilted his head. I glance down and saw my foot had returned to normal, I didn't even feel tired anymore.

I whine softly when I felt Karamatsu lick my bottom lip. I smile and open my mouth. Ichimatsu must have caught on to what was happening because he started to kiss and lick my neck. I moan softly and pull away laying my head back on Ichimatsu's shoulder. Karamatsu moves to kiss the other side of my neck. The mixture of rough and gentle kisses on my neck made me bite my lip with a moan.

After a minute I reach a hand to lay on their crotch. They pull back "D-Do guys want to.." I trail off and they glance at each other before glancing back at me. They nod and I smile. Ichimatsu pulls me closer by my waist and lays down while Karamatsu hovered over us. I bit my lip and reach one hand up to Karamatsu's face while Ichimatsu held my other one. I gave a roll of my hips and both groan softly before kissing my neck again.


When I woke up, I was sandwiched between Karamatsu and Ichimatsu. The three of us had no clothes on what so ever. I glance up and snuggled up to Karamatsu's bare chest. I was still here and that made me happy. Though I don't know exactly what kept me here, I made a guess that it was because of what Karamatsu started no more than 3 hours ago. According to the clock.

I went to sit up because I became hungry. My movements woke them though. Ichimatsu brought his arm up and laid me onto my back before snuggling up to my side. Karamatsu chuckled at his younger brother and went onto his stomach. He brushed my hair to the side and kissed my temple. "It's probably best if you stay here for a little while." Karamatsu says and I hum. Ichimatsu chuckled "He has a good point. You're going to be sore from taking the both of us at once~" he adds and I blush before pulling both of them into a hug. "I love you guys." I say and they respond in unison.

"Love you too Flower."

Osomatsu-san Oneshots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang