The Aftermath

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"How was your break?" the stupid boy asked.

I glared at the asshole, and Jacob popped him in the back of the head. "How the fuck do you think it was, shit head?"

We probably shouldn't have been so hard on the guy. Maybe he was the only person on the entire campus that didn't know the hell we had been through. Perhaps he lived under a rock and never watched the news. That would be the only way he could have missed the recent media explosion broadcasting about our Spring Break gone wrong.

When our group of eight made it out of the mountains, I was surprised to find my dad along with Carlisle and Esme and a full search crew about to head in. Since no one was taking him seriously, Sam had called for reinforcements. After hearing our story, Charlie was relieved I was okay, pissed that I hadn't escaped at the first available opportunity, concerned about how I would cope with everything I had been through, and finally, proud that I didn't just run away like he originally wished I would have.

The information that Renesmee swiped from Aro's office ensured that the rest of us avoided any real interrogation. We were questioned at the hospital, but allowed to go home not long after. I figured they were so accommodating and generous, so our parents wouldn't go crazy on them. They didn't know Renee.

Regardless of all that, I was back at school. It was Friday and my last class had just ended. Jacob and I were hanging out in the student center. They had killer smoothies.

Emily passed by and gave us a small wave. Until she could have cosmetic surgery, she was rocking a head scarf and big ass sunglasses. At first, she felt really sorry for herself, but when she found out what happened to the others, she decided that she was lucky. Had her face not been mauled, she could have ended up just like Jessica or Lauren.

Across the room, Leah was playing pool with Seth while Sam worked on a paper that was probably due the day before. Leah scratched, causing Seth to do an obnoxious yet funny victory dance. He sobered up immediately when she threatened him with her cue. Sam rolled his eyes with a smile and tugged his hostile girlfriend over to sit on his lap.

I hadn't seen much of Ben or Angela. Future doctors always had a shit load of homework to do. They were working their butts off, just so they could get into another school for even more work. It wasn't completely crazy. They would save lives one day and probably make a good living doing it.

Eric, on the other hand, I saw him everywhere. He was still the same guy, a little shy and freakishly intelligent. However, now he had a small fan club. Tanya must have talked him up pretty good.

I had to laugh when I thought about Tanya. She was going through withdrawals already. Her first day out of the mountains, she went to church to make her donation and met a very charming youth pastor. Trying to get a man's attention without using sex was new to her, but she was up for the challenge.

"Ready to go?" Jacob asked, handing me a smoothie.

"Yep," I smiled. We were way past the awkward post-breakup stage. Near death experiences really make you appreciate the people in your life more.

On our way to his truck, we passed the area where the gardeners were putting together a small memorial garden for Tyler, Jessica, Mike, Lauren, and even Royce. It was Rosalie's decision to keep what he did to her on the down low. She claimed that his parents were probably suffering enough without knowing their son was a rapist.

I was surprised at her. Rosalie had always been the vindictive type to those who did her wrong. Her new outlook was partly due to the therapy we were all receiving. Of course, Emmett should receive some of the credit as well. He was the only person on the planet who could make a pissed off Rosalie crack a smile. She wasn't ready for another relationship yet, but when the day came, Emmett would be there.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2012 ⏰

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