"Hey hun." My mom says as I walk in.

"Hey mom." I say giving her a big bear hug. "I feel like I haven't seen you in so long." I complain.

"I know, but you haven't been home much either." She laughs, making sure I know that it's my fault I haven't really seen her.

"Well, I'll see you at dinner, I need to start my homework." I go up the stairs to my room. My phone buzzes a million times. I look at the notifications.

Rachel Berry: What is everyone's size so I can make us matching dresses.

Quinn: small

Brittany: Small

Santana: Medium

Tina: Small

Mercedes: Large

Jessie: Small

Rachel: Jessie, can you have us over right now? We need to start rehearsing, I've heard you have a decently big house for all of us.

Oh shit, "Mom!?" I call downstairs.

"Yea sweets?" She calls back up.

"Can some girls from glee club come over to rehearse?" I ask.

"Yea sure, no problem. Are they staying for dinner?" She asks but I quickly say no way.

Jessie: Yea, my mom says you guys can come over.

All the glee girls come over at once. I hear the doorbell ring and I open the door for all of them.

"Ok, I have our outfits and songs picked." Rachel informs me.

"No one cares Rachel." Mercedes rolls her eyes.

"No let's see what the little creature has to say." Quinn says.

"Ok, so, I'm thinking Walking on Sunshine and Halo." Rachel claps her hands with a large smile planted on her face.

"Ok, whatever." Mercedes has a huge attitude lately. Kinda unusual.

We all hang around for about 3 hours then I get fed up. Everyone keeps complaining about how the boys are being too lazy, but they're all being wicked lazy too. Hypocrites.

"Alright, I think I'm gonna call it a night ladies." Quinn announces. "Whoever drove with me, it's time to go." Santana and Brittany file out of my basement. "Thanks for having us over Jessie. Coffee tomorrow? After school?" She asks taking my hand.

"Sure." I shrug and smile at her. I mean, she is like my best friend.

"Ok, let's try doing the choreography!" Rachel tries to take charge but Tina and Mercedes are done.

"I'm calling my mom to pick us up." Mercedes says. "Since Quinn and everybody left, there's no point in having us stay and work without them."

Finally, at around 7, everyone leaves my house and there's a comforting silence that fills the house. No more arguing, talking about the guys of glee, or any more drama.

"Jess." Liam slides onto the kitchen counter, where I'm currently finishing up my Spanish research thesis for Mr. Schue.

"Yea?" I give him a dirty look for disrupting me.

"Do you think Santana would go out with me?" He asks, seriously but I can't help but let a laugh escape me.

"Are you serious?" I laugh at him, not caring about his little ego.

"Yea, why?" He scratches the back of his neck, guy language for oops, stupid question.

"There's no way. I mean, no offense but she's kinda been just screwing Puck. And Puck would mess up your dopey little face if you tried to get with her." I bluntly inform him.

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