"Can we go now daddy" Braxton asks. Jace sighs. He's got that look on his face like hes about to give in. "Alright Braxton" Jace caves. I know that he may not want to go off right now with Braxton. I know he wants to go spend time with him. He missed a little over 2 years with him. Jace looks back at me. "Go, have fun. I will stay in the castle" I tell them. "By mommy" Braxton says and runs out of the room. "Do you think I should pack an overnight bag just incase we end up staying in Kentucky overnight" I ask jace. "I guess you can. We can share a suitcase. You don't need to pack a lot since it should be just one night" he says. "Okay. Good luck with Braxton. He has a lot of energy in the mornings" I say. " I can tell" he says and leaves the dining room.

I go up to the bedroom. I start packing a suitcase for the two of us. I just pack a few pairs of clothes for each of us but make sure to include the important stuff. After about an hour and a half I zip up the suitcase and are done packing. I go on the balcony and see Jace and Braxton down below. The people here at the castle know about their wings. Since Braxton was born and they found out I had to tell them who they came from. I see Braxton's little wings lift him up a few inches then he falls back down. I see jace say something to Braxton and he flies up in the air a little. Braxton tries again.

After a little while I see Alice ride up. I go back inside and lock the balcony doors. I go down and meet her just as she is coming inside the castle. "You guys are going to watch Braxton overnight while we are gone right" I ask. We weren't planning on staying the night when we asked them to watch over Braxton. We figured if we came straight home tonight Grace could have some time to settle in and not have to be bombarded by everyone. "Yeah, we will take care of Braxton while he is at our house" she says. "Good. He doesn't know he is going to your house tonight. I am planning on telling him at lunch and taking him over to your house after we eat lunch. Then I will come back and Jace and I will leave to New York and on to where Grace is" I tell her. "Okay" she says. "You can lave here if you want after we leave to go get Grace. If you want tomorrow off, you can. Charlotte and Oliver can be put in charge to watch over things while we are gone and if you want the day off" I tell her. "Okay. I guess I will just leave after I get everything done after you guys have lunch" she says. "Okay " I say. "I can't wait to see Grace again" she says. "I know. I can't wait to have her back" I say. "I know you and Jace are" she says. "Thank you for taking care of Braxton for the night. I would let Izzy and Simon or Alec and Magnus take care of him but they don't know what is going on" I tell her. "That makes sense. We are happy to take care of Braxton for the night or even two if we need to" she says. "I'll keep that in mind if we need to" I say. "Okay" she says. "I'm going to go pack his bag. Jace is trying to teach him how to fly" I tell her. "How is that going" she asks. "Alright from what I saw. I'm sure I will hear all about it at lunch" I tell her. "I'm sure Braxton will tell us about it this afternoon too" she says. "I'm sure. I'm going to go pack his little overnight bag and I will let you get to work" I tell her. "Okay then" she says.

I go back over to Braxtons room. I pack him a little bag for him to take with him to Jonathan and Alices house. I think it will be good for him to spend time with uncle Jo Jo. Even Braxton couldn't say Jonathan so he just calls my brother Jo Jo too just like Carson does.

When I finish packing his bag I go over to the office and call Travis. "Hey" he says. "Hey Travis. Did I wake you up" I ask. "No, Grace has always been a really early riser. I'm sure the older she gets the later she will sleep in" he says. "Probably. We are going to come and get Grace a little later today, is that okay" I say. "Of course. Just let me know when you get here" he says. "Okay. We are going to fly down from New York. When we land I will let you know. I will need the house address. We won't have the file with us when we land" I tell him. "I will text you our address. Just let us know when you land and get your bags and I will text you everything" he says. "Okay thanks Travis" I say. "No problem. We look forward to seeing you two" he says. "We look forward to seeing the four of you" I say. "See you soon. Bye clary" he says. "See you soon. Bye Travis" I say and he hangs up.

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