The Aftermath

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A/N: This is the last chapter.

Sam arrived with about ten people. After making introductions, the large sat around the living room and discussed what had just happened at each location. Sam had gone to each target to help the band of beings as needed. He explained what had transpired, who had gotten hurt, who had died, and how the beings had fought. Sam explained what they had done to each residence.

"What about the Rupp house?" Adam piped up.

"Rupp? Chris Rupp?" One redheaded kid asked making Adam nod, "We set his whole house on fire. We made sure it burned to the ground."

"Why?" Adam furrowed his brow as Avi moved to wrap his arms around his soulmate.

"He had turned his place into a make-shift laboratory. Coming up with new ways to test people for being a 'creature' or new ways of exploiting our weaknesses. New ways of torturing us! The entire Rupp family are monsters!" The redhead ranted, "Did you know that fucker's parents applaud him for his 'contributions to society'? They think he's some kind of mother-fucking hero? For torturing other living creatures!"

"Calm down, Paul." A blond girl exclaimed.

"Everyone else has reported that their targets have been eliminated. The Grassi house was seemingly smashed to bits. I believe a golem or two had a hand in that one." Kevin stated.

"Good riddance. Grassi was almost as bad as Rupp." Eddie crossed his arms across his chest with a loud huff.

"We can't thank you enough for your help tonight. With any luck, tomorrow will bring something good for all of us." Luke said.

"And what should we expect?" The blond girl asked.

"We're not sure, exactly. Obadiah Stane perpetuated all the hate and resentment against magical beings. We'll have to see how people react to that building being gone." Kevin rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thanks for letting us take part. It felt good to do something besides hide." A light brunette boy stated.

"All help was needed and very much appreciated." Kevin smiled at him.

"I'll get you back to your camps now. Keep your linkpearls and Kevin will contact you about whatever happens tomorrow." Sam exclaimed.

They were gone in a flash making Kevin shake his head.

"You guys were amazing tonight. I know it took a lot out of each of you. Physically and emotionally. I know we're grieving for Jenika but at least the rest of you came back." Kevin looked at each of his housemates, his family.

"Yes. We should be thankful for that. I loved Jenika like a sister. We found one another out in the wild. We stuck together. We were almost, we were sort of attacked by...something...until Kevin came along. Nothing will ever change the memories I have of her." Kelsey tried to not let her tears fall.

"Jenika was a really funny woman. She was always up for a good prank and laughed whenever I pulled one off. She even gave me ideas on a few occasions. She'll be missed but she's never gone as long as we have her in our hearts." Austin tapped his chest.

"I'll miss Jenika but, as selfish as this is, I am so thankful my soulmate is alright. I know tonight took a lot out of him and he did quite a bit." Adam hugged the brunette to him, "I'm glad all of you are here too. There are casualties in war as sad as that is. For our little household, at least it was only one. There's lots of us here. And we only lost one. I call that a victory."

"Very true, Adam. It may be selfish but honestly I feel the same way." Tim gave his friend a slight nod.

"It's been a long night, guys. Get some rest. We'll have to see what tomorrow brings." Kevin gave the entire group a warm smile.

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