Author's Note

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Hello lovely peoples! Firstly, I want to thank each and every one of you who read, vote, and/or comment. It makes my heart flutter and my world go round :D

I was planning on almost all couples being their real life pairings I.E. Tim & Jenika, Rob & Kelsey, Chance and Jasmina, etc

 But in the middle of writing this (and thanks to a certain someone *coughs ObsessedwithTivi coughs* ) I've decided to change a few pairings.

It'll be a bit difficult to go back and change in each chapter a few things so I'm gonna give y'all the changes here. Avam is still happening. Instead of Timika, we're gonna have some Choust.

Tim's "weird markings" are still on his left thumb

Chance's "weird markings" are now on his right thumb instead of his right forearm

Jenika & Jasmina (who will remain in the story) no longer have these strange markings on their bodies like the others do. So no soulmates for them :/ 

I think that's all for now. Thanks for reading!

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