Good soulmate

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When Chance still hadn't come out of his room late that evening, Kevin opted to take dinner to them. He had Luke take it since he could just teleport into their room. He and Sam had grilled hamburgers this evening and most had just lounged around outside on the patio enjoying the beautiful weather. Luke was more than happy to take their dinner to them since he wanted to check Tim out anyways.

Kevin made two plates in case Tim was awake and wanted to eat. He set all the veggies to one side of the plate and fries to the other side and sent condiment packets with them. The vampire set two glasses of sweet tea on the tray before letting Luke head on up to their room. Satisfied that the pair would have everything they needed, Kevin nodded towards Luke. He disappeared making Kevin chuckle.

Luke reappeared in Tim and Chance's room. He looked around and found Chance propped up against the headboard reading a book. Tim was laying on his stomach, curled up next to his soulmate, with his head on Chance's upper stomach, and his arm draped across the Satyr's lower stomach/groin area. Chance looked up from the book he was reading when he saw Luke appear.

"Hey there. Kevin figured you didn't want to leave Tim so he had me bring dinner to the two of you. Even if Tim doesn't eat." Luke explained quietly.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Chance smiled at the older wizard

"How's he feeling?" Luke set the tray down on Chance's bedside table.

"He hasn't woken up since we laid him down. Just curled up next to me, deep in sleep. Is that normal?" Chance looked down at his soulmate.

"I'm going to look him over again. Bill's a much more powerful wizard than I am. If he's certain Tim's ok, then I'm sure he is. Most likely what Tim did today really took a whole lot out of him and he needs all this extra rest to recharge himself, so to speak." Luke explained.

"I just worry so much about him..." Chance trailed as he looked up at Luke.

"I know, Chance. That's normal. If there is something wrong, and I have no reason to believe there is, then we'll nurse him right back to health." Luke explained.

"He's got healing powers, right? (Luke nodded) Why can't he heal himself then?" Chance's eyebrows pulled together.

"Because he's so drained. He basically has no energy or very little energy to do anything with. It's like you training so hard you have no energy left to run with. Make sense?" Luke tried to explain.

"Yeah (Chance sighed). I just wish there was more I could do for him." Chance looked down at his sleeping lover.

"You're doing what you can for him. Hold him close, make sure he eats, help him do things like bathing if he's feeling weak. You're a good soulmate, Chance. Let me check him over, ok?" Luke told the Satyr.

Chance sighed as he watched Luke reach his hand out and, starting with Tim's feet, work his way up the younger wizard's body. Although he trusted Bill and Luke, he was still worried about his soulmate. He'd really drained himself today and that scared him terribly.

"Just as Bill said. He's just very, very drained. You may try to wake him in a little bit and get him to eat. That should help some. If he doesn't want to eat food, Kevin can give him a nutritional drink but he'll have to drink it all. Have a good evening." Luke said before disappearing out of their room.

Chance fixed his burger and tried to eat. He loved his soulmate but he was incredibly worried about him. Eating alone was boring and it made him sad. Once he was finished, he thought he should try and wake his sleeping lover to try and get some food in him.

"Tim? Tim, baby, can you wake up?" Chance pushed some hair out of Tim's face.

He really hated waking him up, especially out of such a deep sleep, but he did need to eat.

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