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A/N: Because today is Valentine's Day, here's a double shot for you!

Avi had gotten into a fight with his dad about his "stupid dragon obsession". The young man rushed to his room and slammed his bedroom door. He wanted to scream, to cry, to somehow prove that he saw the shadows of dragons. He wanted to prove that dragons were real but knew if he tried, someone would call the authorities on him. Avi had heard whispers of what happened to the "magical beings" after being detained. The thought made him shiver.

The sky was clear, there was a slight breeze, and he just wanted to get away from his house and family. No one really understood him anyways. Avi opened his window and climbed out. With one last look around, he darted towards the meadow behind his house. The Sequoia National Park was just a couple miles from where he lived. Avi loved walking around amongst the humongous trees. He felt safe there. He felt more at home there than he did at his house.

The shade of the giant trees. The sounds of the woodland critters. The songs of the birds. Avi loved it. He suddenly felt an overwhelming sensation of relief wash over him. The giant, green dragon was not seen in the deep, tall woods of the Sequoia National Park. He was able to be himself, free from the worries of everyday life, and just roam around. One wrong step found a large, metal cuff clamp around his back leg.

He squirmed and tried to free himself, but he just couldn't. Avi was panicking as he tried flailing around once more. The more he tried to get out of his bonds, the more it scraped against his scales. It was hurting already, and he hadn't been trapped more than a few minutes. He became anxious not knowing when the owner of the trap would return. What would they do to him? Would they turn him into the authorities? Would they kill him? Enslave him? Would he die out here in the forest, all alone, scared?

Unable to go anywhere, he laid down. He felt the sensation of relief come but something was strange. It started out as relief but quickly turned into anxiety. He wasn't sure what was happening which only added to his anxiousness. Days went by. No one came to help, no one came to hurt. He tried several more times to free himself to no avail. He roared angrily making birds take flight in fear. Avi tried to fly up and free his leg but he realized if he used too much force to fly upwards, he'd break his leg.

After nearly three weeks, lack of water and food was taking its toll on the dragon. He began hallucinating. He thought he saw another dragon. Beautiful blue, majestic, flying low to the ground as if it were searching for something. With one blink, the other dragon was gone. He also thought he saw a couple fairies flying around. One bright, neon pink. The other a very pretty, regal purple. He blinked a few times, and, they too vanished. Avi exhaled and closed his eyes. Death was near.

Adam sat straight up gasping for air, mouth dry, knuckles white from gripping his bedding. His heart was pounding, tears still slipping down his cheeks, and feeling dizzy. He was confused at first. Then he felt the sudden urge to tell Kevin. Adam threw his covers off, flinching as he jumped out of bed, and briskly left his bedroom. Walking down the stairs, wincing as he did so, he looked in the living room first. It was empty. His next stop was the kitchen. It, too, was empty. His brows creased together as his palms became sweaty and his lips pursed together.

He smartly walked on, desperate to find the dark-skinned man. He found a room that had several tall bookshelves completely full of books. There was a stone fire place and lots of plushy leather seats. Small circular, light wooden tables were situated between the chairs with small lamps. There was a big bay window at the far end of the room. There was Kevin with his feet propped up reading a book.

"Adam! What are you doing out of bed?" Kevin asked when he noticed the blond man

"Kevin! I saw something! I felt.... Panicked. We have to find it. It needs help but I don't know where it is or how to find it." Adam said all in one breath

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