He's very weak

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Kevin held the brunette man in his arms bridal style while Luke cast a teleportation spell to get them back to Kevin's house quickly. He thanked his friend as he walked up the stairs to find an empty room. Luke turned the covers down when they found an empty room which happened to be to the left of Adam's room.

"He's so light." Kevin frowned

"I'll go find Tim. Let's see if he can see what all is wrong with your new guest." Luke said before leaving the room

Kevin went to get the IV pole, IV, saline bag, his medical kit, and a nutrient bag. He was in the man's bathroom washing his hands when Luke and Tim entered the room.

"Kevin?!" Luke called out

"Hey. Tim, see if you can tell what all is wrong with him." Kevin asked

Tim tried to remember what Bill had taught him. He closed his eyes, held his hand over the man's torso, and blocked out everything he could from his mind. Intense fear and anxiety. Intense hunger. He was weak. Very weak.

"He's extremely malnourished. Near death. Some complications to that." Tim crossed his arms across his chest, "His ankle has been rubbed raw as well."

"Thank you, Tim. How's Adam?" Kevin began preparing medical supplies to clean and doctor the man's ankle

"Rob had to give him something to knock him out. He was really panicking. Of course, in his hyped-up state, he made his wound a little worse, but Rob doctored it as best as he could." Tim explained

"Thanks. I'll go check on him when I'm done here. You've been a huge help, Tim. Seriously." Kevin smiled at the tall brunette

As Kevin was cleaning the man's raw ankle, he received an unconscious hiss and the man trying to jerk his leg away in response.

"At least we know he's alive and able to feel things." Luke deadpanned

With the ankle clean, Kevin applied an antiseptic ointment then wrapped it up in gauze. The oldest member in the house got the IV pole set up with the saline bag and IV line. Getting the IV into the brunette's arm was a little tricky since he kept moving around. Kevin finally had to ask Tim for help in holding down his arm. The saline drip started immediately. Kevin hooked up the heart monitor, pulse oxide monitor, and blood pressure cuff.

This man was going to be needed watched since he was in such bad shape. Kevin hooked up a bag with an off-white, milk looking substance in it to the new man's IV line.

"What's that?" Tim pointed to the bag

"It's liquid nutrition since the severity of his malnutrition is pretty bad. We need to replace missing nutrients slowly as to not make him sick." Kevin explained

Tim nodded in understanding as he stood by and watched their host work. Kevin assured him that no matter how long it took, they'd nurse this man back to health making Tim smile inwardly. Kevin grabbed his medical kit and walked to Adam's room. The blond was in a much calmer state of mind than when Kevin had left. The Vampire took Adam's pulse and was pleased to see it back at a normal rate.

Kevin slipped the covers down so that he could check on the wound in Adam's side. It was bleeding again making Kevin's brows squinch together. He laid a folded towel on the bed beside Adam and tucked it just under the thinner man. Tim walked in with a bottle of water and watched as Kevin cautiously took off Adam's dressing. A few squirts of Hydrogen Peroxide, and several pained groans, later and Kevin was satisfied that Adam's wound was clean enough for him to check out.

A few pulled stitches seemed to be all that was wrong. Kevin was shaking his head as he prepared what was needed to re-stitch the blond man up. The left side of Tim's upper lip curled up as he watched Kevin's face. Once Adam had been taken care off, wound re-stitched, cleaned again, antibiotic ointment spread over and around the wound, and then redressed, Kevin pulled the covers up to the middle of Adam's chest.

"Now what?" Tim followed Kevin back into the unknown brunette's room.

"He's going to need to be watched closely. I'll stay up and keep an eye on him. You go get some rest." Kevin said, moving the chair from the desk to next to the bed

"You sure?" Tim cocked his eyebrow making Kevin nod, "Well then we'll have breakfast ready in the morning."

"Thanks." Kevin smiled

Tim headed back to his room, bumping into a half-asleep Austin who was coming back from getting a glass of water, on his way. A low chuckle erupted from Tim's throat as he heard Austin mumble something incoherent before shutting his bedroom door. A few minutes passed before Kevin got up to head down to the library to pick up the book he'd been reading when Adam rushed in earlier in a panic. Having his book, he settled himself back on his chair to watch over their newest guest.

Adam woke up to an agonizing, sharp shooting pain in his side. Sitting up with a groan, it radiated towards his stomach and lower back. He gritted his teeth as he slowly swung his legs over the side of his bed. Adam took a few deep breaths, grunts escaping his throat every so often as he did, before standing up on shaky legs. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee wafted to his nose as he opened his bedroom door.

"How are you feeling this morning, Adam?" Kevin lowered the paper down to see over it.

"Ugh. My side hurts." Adam's lips pursed together as he sat down

"Breakfast should be done in about ten minutes. Coffee's already made if you want some." Tim pointed towards the coffee pot

"I'm sure your bandages need to re-dressed and your wound cleaned again. You pulled some stitches out when you jumped out of bed last night." Kevin chuckled briefly, "We did find a large green dragon with a trapping ankle cuff around its back leg in the Sequoia National Forest."

"You should have time to clean and re-dress his wound while we finish up breakfast." Tim said

Kevin nodded his head as he stood up making Adam sigh. In one swift motion, Kevin picked Adam up and rushed up to his room. Before he knew it, Adam was on the ground in his bedroom looking around with wide eyes.

"Let's get your side cleaned and re-dressed, shall we?" Kevin smiled

Adam's eyes clenched shut, his forehead puckered, and his jaw tightened as he eased himself onto the side of his bed. Kevin did feel bad for the blond but understood his actions, too. Adam slowly laid on his side to give Kevin better access to his injured side. Kevin's face brightened seeing Adam's wound was no longer bleeding and had no signs of infection.

Having his would cleaned and re-dressed, Adam cautiously rolled onto his back. Kevin looked upon the blonde's grimacing face and opted to give him a little pain medicine. Thankfully there was still the IV line in Adam's arm. When Kevin injected the clear liquid into it, it began circulating in his system quickly. 'Get some rest, friend' was the last thing Adam heard before the pain medicine knocked him out.

Before heading back downstairs, Kevin decided on checking on their newest guest. His vitals were still low although his blood pressure and heart rate had improved slightly from earlier. His nutrient bag was about ¼ full with the slow drip. His saline bag already needed to be changed. Once Kevin had changed the saline bags out, he stood back and stared at the young man. How long had he been out there? Wasn't anyone missing him yet?

"How's Adam and our guest doing?" Tim asked when he heard Kevin enter the kitchen

"Adam's in pain so I gave him another dose of pain medication. His wound doesn't appear to be getting infected which is a very good thing." Kevin ran his hand through his hair, "The other young man looks rough. Sunken eyes, parched lips. He doesn't appear to have been a very.... Fluffy....man but you can tell he's lost a lot of weight. I sincerely hope he pulls through."

"With a caregiver like you, his odds have been greatly improved." Rob smiled as he entered the kitchen to fetch a bottle of water, "Oh! I believe Kirstie left a voice mail. Something about shipments."

Tim raised his eyebrow but remained silent. Kevin thanked the fluffier man before getting up to check his messages. Kirstie was coming by later that afternoon with his usual shipment and wanted to know if there was anything else he needed before she arrived. Esther was also coming by with his latest order. Luke was also coming by, 'sounds like the fortress is becoming Grand Central Station today' Kevin thought, to continue Tim's lessons.

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