Sami (was Jasmina)

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Jasmina was different. Everyone in her family, her neighborhood, and her school could see it. She told her mother she felt strange. From a young girl, Jasmina kept to herself around people she didn't know but was very open with those she did know and those she loved. Jasmina was a very light-hearted and carefree young girl and quite frolicsome.

Anyone who knew her, from a young age or not, would always say several things seemed to encompass her. She was full of life and joyousness. She was usually depicted as a beautiful young woman who loved to dance and sing. She was a strong and sturdy young girl. Her rosy cheeks, deep brown eyes, and graceful form spoke health, vigor, and vitality.

Jasmina could be childlike in her playful, cheerful, generous behavior. However, she could also feel anger, jealousy, and great sadness much stronger than anyone else she knew. She felt all the emotions much stronger than almost everyone. When she was about five, she asked her mother about the weird lines on her left forearm. The young girl was frightened by them until her mother took and look and told her 'probably just a birthmark, it's nothing to be afraid or scared of; actually, it looks like it's half a flute which I've never seen as a birthmark before!'

She loved the sea, rivers, woods, trees, mountains, meadows. Anywhere she lived, because her family moved around quite a bit, she adopted a site wherever she lived. Whether it be trees, rivers, lakes, mountains, and so forth. She always took care of her "dwelling place". Her parents didn't quite know what she meant by "her dwelling place". Her mother always just shrugged and said her daughter just had a wild imagination.

Everyone thought she was personifications of the creative and fostering activities of nature. They most often identified her with the life-giving outflow of springs so when she said she wanted to be a doctor, everyone accepted it and knew she'd be great. She always seemed to be a care giver of the land and life in general. 'A perfect personality to be a doctor!' her father often mused.

To Jasmina's surprise, she seemed to possess the gift of prophecy. When she was not quite eighteen, she had a dream about a young woman needing help. The feeling of urgency to arrive at the place she'd dreamed about gnawed at her until she went there. Her amorous freedom sets her apart from the woman being attacked in the woods. Jasmina, suddenly being half-naked with lust-filled eyes, appeared to give promise of faithful love to the dark headed man long enough for the other woman to run away.

He turned in time to see his prey scurrying off and she was too far for him to catch up to. The dark headed man turned back to Jasmina, but she had seemingly disappeared. There were ripples in a nearby lake, but nothing seemed to be causing the water's disturbance. He looked around not seeing anything so he ran off. Jasmina emerged from the water, completely dry, wearing what she'd put on that morning, and not remembering how she'd gotten from where she'd been standing to where she was at the water's edge.

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