Who are you?

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"Where's Austin?" Kevin asked as Tim was setting the table for dinner

"Still out frolicking in the woods." Rob chuckled

"I guess we'll set him a plate aside." Kevin said as he brought the pan of baked chicken to the table, "I need to go fetch Olena."

"Who's that?" Chance asked

"Another guest. None of you seen her when I was taking her to her room. She's going to stay the night tonight and then she wants to leave tomorrow morning. So I'll have a nice hearty breakfast in the morning to send her off." Kevin explained

"Pancakes?" Rob asked, already looking excited

"Yes, I'll make pancakes." Kevin chuckled

"We'll finish getting the table set up. You fetch our guest." Chance said

Kevin thanked him before heading upstairs. Olena was awake and just staring out the window. He said dinner was just about done and that everyone but Austin was already downstairs. She smiled at him before following him out of her room. She stopped and looked at the closed door across from her room for a brief moment. 'I wonder how he's doing?' she thought before walking down the stairs.

"Hello!" Chance said when he saw Kevin and the dark-headed woman entering the dining room

"This is Olena. She stayed long enough to heal up and she'll be leaving after breakfast." Kevin said, "The big teddy bear there is Rob. The one who greeted you is Chance and the long-haired one is Tim."

"It's nice to meet you." Rob smiled at her

"It's a pleasure meeting you, too." She said taking a seat, "It smells wonderful."

"Kevin is a great cook." Rob said, grinning

"I've had years of practice." Kevin chuckled making the table laugh

Olena found she liked the group at the table. She still wasn't convinced she was a fairy and she was missing her mother.


After breakfast the next morning,Tim said they'd clean up the kitchen since Kevin was getting some things ready for Olena before she left. The young woman bid the small group goodbye before following Kevin into a small office.

"Here's some cash in case you need it. You're always welcome to come back here. This is a safe place. If you ever need me, use this. It's a Linkpearl that will allow you to communicate with me anywhere in the world." Kevin said as he took what looked like a small pearl out of a locked box and handed it to her

"You don't have to do that. I'll be fine." She said

"I'm sure you will but it never hurts to have a friend on speed-dial!" He smiled at her, "I wish you the best of luck, Olena. Always remember you have a home here if you need it."

"Thank you for taking care of me. Maybe one day I'll be able to repay your kindness." She said

He opened the gate for her and watched as she strolled away. Kevin hated seeing them leave but knew not everyone would stay permanently like Rob. He hoped she would be ok, especially knowing she was a magical being and the odds of her getting caught in a trap again were high. Kevin walked back to his study and sat down with a deep sigh.

Olena made her way to her neighborhood. It was already dusk by the time she made it. She didn't remember half the trip, but she wasn't going to complain. She tried to open the door but found it locked. Olena didn't have her house key so she knocked on the door. It took a few minutes before her mother opened the door. Something was off. She'd been gone for a few days and her mother wasn't engulfing her in a hug.

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