What on Earth?

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Olena slept off and on for three days. The commotion outside her room woke her up once more. She still had a headache and her body was aching slightly. Kevin kept bringing her bowls of soup and glasses of water which she thought was very kind of him. Not once did she leave her room in those three days. Curiosity got the better of her and she cracked her door open.

She saw a very tall man with shoulder length brown hair pulling an IV pole into the room directly across from hers. 'What on Earth is going on?' she thought to herself. There came another tall man with reddish-brown hair that went past the top of his shoulders carrying what looked like a saline bag and towels. The dark brunette rushed out of the room as the other one entered. She was so confused and curious but didn't want to make herself known.

They seemed to be done with whatever they were doing and rushed back downstairs. She remained by her door wanting to see what was happening. She wasn't afraid for her life but she could tell something frantic was happening. Sometime later, she had lost track of time by this point, she heard footsteps. Peeking out the crack, she saw several people in the hallway.

There was a half-naked, blond haired man who looked like he was laying on an invisible board floating above the ground. She could see that he was injured and that he was not conscious. 'What happened to him?' she thought as a wave of sadness and despair washed over her. The bald, older man that was walking in front of him walked into the room across from hers and then beckoned the unconscious man into it. She watched as his body just floated into the room and then was instructed onto the bed.

She shut the door as quietly as she could. Olena hated feeling sad. After a while, the house was quiet again. Taking the chance to crack the door open, she noticed the door across from her was shut. Opening her door up a little more, she found the hallway empty. Who were the occupants of this house? Kevin came in to check on her periodically and to bring her food, but she hadn't seen him much today. Taking a deep breath, she slipped out of her room.

Olena tip-toed downstairs but didn't see anyone. This house was huge! The floors were a hard wood. There were lots of stone! What kind of person buys or builds a place like this? The kitchen was big. A curious feeling came over her. She felt like she was home. She felt safe. Olena was barefoot and walking very quietly throughout the house as she checked it out. 'When you're feeling better, I promise you I'll answer any and all questions you have.' isn't that what Kevin told her? She had tons of questions.

"There you are. I went to check on you and found your room empty. How are you feeling?" She heard Kevin asked

She whipped around to see him standing a few feet from her with a warm smile to his face.

"I'm feeling better, thanks." She replied, "You said you'd answer my questions."

"And I will. Would you like some Chamomile tea?" Kevin asked as he moved further into the kitchen

"That would be lovely." She replied, sitting at the bar

"So, what do you want to know?" Kevin asked as he began to make her tea

"Where am I? What is this place? Who are you? How'd I get here?" She asked, proud that she'd avoided asking about the blond man across from her room

"I'm Kevin. I am a Vampire but fear not. I drink Ensure instead of human blood. This place is my home. Well, it's more of a fortress than just a home. I brought you here after I rescued you from a magical trap and the jerk that was trying to shake the jar into oblivion." Kevin told her, "Do you know what you are? Do you know how you got into that trap?"

"What am I? I...I don't understand." She stuttered, keeping her eyes on Kevin, suspiciously

"When I found you, you were in a magical, supernatural jar-trap. Only magical beings get caught in them. When I found you, you were in Fairy form." Kevin explained as he set the steaming mug of tea in front of a very confused Olena


"What's the last thing you remembered?" Kevin softly asked, being sure to keep his distance

He had learned over millennia about how skittish everyone, humans and supers alike, were when it came to Vampires.

"I....I was walking around outside. It was a warm afternoon. The flowers in the field caught my attention." Olena stated, furrowing her eyebrows, "I don't really remember much after that."

"When you saw those flowers, how did you feel?" Kevin asked

"Kind of....giggly I guess. Very happy." She retorted

"That's right before you morphed into your supernatural form. There's a few other supernatural beings here besides you. Rob is a Centaur and he's just a loveable 'ol fella. Austin's a fairy too. Loves playing tricks and dancing. Tim's a wizard and is learning from a wise wizard friend of mine. Chance is a Satyr and loves running around the property with Rob." Kevin chuckled


"My property is very big and spacious and extremely well protected. It's sealed off with both a ten-foot high stone fence as well as a magical barrier. No one can get in or out without my permission. You're more than welcome to stay as long as you like." Kevin explained, "Do you have any more questions?"

"I..... I can't be one of those creatures!" She stated, eyes filling with tears

"Why not? Fairies are jokesters and Austin has definitely livened up the place with his pranks. Chance loves music and poetry and dancing and has really made this place feel like a warm home." Kevin said as he handed her a few paper towels to wipe her face

"Why do you think I'm one of those things?" She asked, sniffling

"Besides the fact that you morphed from your fairy self to your human form as I was bringing you up to your room?" Kevin chuckled, "Do you ever feel giggly or tingly at strange times? Have blocks of time you can't account for after that feeling?"

"Y..y...yes." She stuttered, eyes wide

"That's when you're morphing into your supernatural form. With a little training, I can help you control when you transform. As you learn to control it, you'll start to remember things when you're in your supernatural form. You should sit down and talk with Austin. He has gotten a lot better the last few months." Kevin said

"I....I just don't know about all this." She said, "I'm not sure I want to stay here."

"That's ok. Would you care to spend the night tonight? You can get a good meal and another night's rest. I'll make a hearty breakfast and have you some things to take with you for your trip to wherever you're going." Kevin said

"That sounds nice." She replied

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