A romantic evening...for 8? Part 1

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A/N: This is basically a 2-part chapter. This is part one. Enjoy ;)

At dinner that evening, Kevin was surprised and delighted to learn that Rob and Kelsey had discovered they were soulmates. Hearing them talk about how they had discovered it, made Sami look down at her forearm. 'Will I find my soulmate?' she thought with a sigh. She looked around the table. Austin and Olena were practically cuddled up together as they ate.

Rob and Kelsey were just glowing and kept looking at one another. Adam and Avi seemed lost in their own little world. Tim and Chance were having a conversation about something with Kevin adding his two cents in every so often. Nate looked over at her and saw the sad look across her face. It saddened him to know she was sad.

Later that evening, as Kevin was in his room, he began to form an idea. He would need the others' help for part of it. The other part, which was for those that didn't have soulmates or hadn't found their soulmates yet, he would get Sam's help with. Kevin smiled to himself as he began to make plans for that evening. 'How to make this romantic and special for the couples?' he thought.

It would be hard to cook five separate meals for people. Everyone associates spaghetti with "the romantic meal". 'It has to be different, yet still romantic. Hmm.' Kevin mused to himself. He shook his head figuring he had time to pick out a good meal. He got settled in his bed for the night. The smell of bacon and coffee roused him from his slumber. After getting a shower and getting dressed, he cheerfully made his way downstairs.

Olena and Sami were making breakfast and chatting away about this and that. He poured himself a cup of coffee and greeted the two women cordially. Everything seemed to be going great for everyone. Although, he could tell there was a bit of sadness within Sami. Jenika didn't have a soulmate, Sami and Nate both did but hadn't found theirs yet. It would be the four of them at dinner the evening he decided to pull this off. Well, five with Sam.

"Mornin' old friend." Sam's deep voice stated startling Kevin out of his thoughts.

Seeing Kevin jump and nearly drop his coffee cup made Sam laugh.

"I don't see what's so funny." Kevin retorted.

"Good morning, Sam! Are you staying for breakfast?" Olena smiled.

"If you two are cooking, I wouldn't miss it." He winked at her making both women giggle, "It's been a really long time since you were actually startled. (Sam leaned in close to his ear) Is everything ok?"

Kevin turned his body with his back to the women, "We'll talk about it a little later, ok?"

"Mmm...bacon...." Tim said making Sam and Kevin laugh.

"Mornin' to you, too, Sunshine!" Sam exclaimed.

"Morning, Sam!"

"Coffeeeeeeeeee" Adam dragged out the word making everyone chuckle.

Tim began getting plates out of the cabinet to set the table. It had begun to be customary for the soulmates to sit together. Sam, being the eldest among the group when he was there, always sat on Kevin's left. Everyone else fanned out from there. A skillet of cream gravy was set on the table followed by a platter of biscuits. Tim was fetching the silverware while Olena was setting a big 'ol skillet of scrambled eggs on the table. Sami was placing the platter of bacon and bowl of cut up fruit on the table when several of the others could be heard walking downstairs.


Chance and Adam had cleaned up from breakfast. Everyone else, if they were already dressed when they came downstairs for breakfast, went outside to begin that days' training. Sam and Kevin sat on the patio drinking coffee in silence. Once everyone else had convened outside, Sam looked over at his friend.

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