Sami finds Kevin

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A/N: I want to give a hug thanks to ObsessedwithTivi for the idea on how Sami came to be at the fortress!

Sami liked to spend her time lounging around at the beach when she wasn't working. Sometimes at night, if she didn't have to work the next day, she'd go out with her friends to a club or bar. She worked at a photography studio which she loved. Besides the outdoors, photography was her next passion. She even happily helped around the house without complaining or griping about it.

For the most part, she had a good relationship with her both her parents. There wasn't any more "teen angst" than was usual during her teen years. One afternoon she came home from the beach by her home to get ready to go out with her friends later that evening. Something had changed with her parents when she came back in.

"Where have you been?" Her father asked.

"Down at the beach. Why? Is something wrong?" Her eyes darted between her parents.

"You spend way too damned much time out by the ocean!" Her father yelled.

"I work, I help out around the house, where I go when I have downtime isn't your concern." She shot back.

He raised his hand like he was going to slap her but then refrained.

"How dare you talk to your father that way, young lady!" Her

"I'm a responsible adult. Where I go when I'm not working or not helping around the house is no one's business but mine." Sami countered, "Would you rather me lounge around the beach or be hitting up the bars?"

"That is in no way the same thing. There's some shady people down at the beach too, you know!" Her mother spat back.

"If you're not working, you stay in the house. DO YOU HEAR ME?" Her father bellowed.

Sami eyed her parents suspiciously, "Loud and clear."

She stormed to her room, being sure to slam the door for effect, before putting her ear to the door. She had always listened in to her parents' discussions about her. She liked having the upper hand.

"The girl is weird, I tell you." Her father, Milo, ran his hand over his face.

"I know. She loves the water a little too much. But what can we do?" Her mother plopped down in her recliner.

"Maybe we should call that number. The one that's always advertised if you think someone you know might be one of the magical beings?" Milo looked over to his wife.

"You really think our daughter is one of those freaks?" Her eyes went wide.

"Well. Think about it. She loves bodies of water a little too much. She's just...too strange for her own good!" Milo exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"I...I can't believe my own daughter, the person I gave birth one of those terrorizing freaks!" her mother yelled.

"You can't or won't?" Milo's voice turned calm and soft, "Look, sweetie. I hate the idea of our daughter potentially being one of those...things...too. But if she is, then we're in danger. We can't let her hurt other people. This is for her own good and her own protection."

Her mother sighed as she looked up at her husband. He was right, of course. Seeing his wife relenting, he gave her a warm smile then walked over to the telephone. A minute or so later, Sami heard half the conversation that would change her life.

"Hello? Yes, I...I think my daughter might be one of the magical beings."

"Disappears for hours at a time. She likes to spend a whole lot of time by any body of water."

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