Kevin meets Austin!

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Austin was out in the woods behind his house one spring afternoon. As he was walking around, he felt his body begin to tingle. It was nothing new and he was starting to like it. He never remembered what happened after his body began tingling. Austin always knew something had just happened, but his memory just wasn't there about whatever it was. After a while, he quit trying to remember and just enjoy whatever it was that happened.

The breeze that was blowing made things a tad bit cool but nothing he couldn't handle. This was his favorite time of year. Flowers were starting to bloom. The sun was warming up the Earth. Everything was beginning to become green with new life again. He flew through the air, zipping around birds and tree branches, and just being one with nature.

Austin sat down on what he thought was moss when he began to get a bit tired. A few seconds later, he heard something snap shut. He flew up but found himself unable to escape. There was air coming into what he now knew was a jar. He pushed with all his fairy might but could not get the lid to open back up. He was trapped! With a hopeful smile, he began pushing on the other parts of the jar but to no avail.

He sat back down with a huff and tried to figure out how to get out of this bottle. The sides no longer looked like moss. How had someone tricked him? He was the one tricking other people, not the other way around! It was three days before he was found. Kevin's super hearing caught the sound and scanned the area for where the sickly, almost crying sound came from. When he noticed the bottle sitting on a large rock that clearly didn't belong there, he became angry.

He opened the bottle, and, as gently as he could, picked up the green fairy that was almost dead. Kevin raced home knowing the poor fairy needed water and other nutrients if he had any shot at surviving. Rob was out in the woods getting some exercise when Kevin returned. He took him to an unoccupied room and set the little fairy on the bed. It would be a bit tricky to try and get fluids into such a small creature.

Kevin left to get a chrome plated steel IV Pole, two saline bags, and the IV. As he entered the room with his supplies, he noticed the fairy was trying to return to his human form. As sickly as he was, the young fairy was having trouble transforming. It broke Kevin's heart to witness it. An hour later, the poor creature had finally returned to his human form which Kevin was very thankful for. At least in human form he could insert the IV and get some fluids into the young man.

Rob finally returned and was walking to his room. He passed by a room with the door open which was unusual. Peeking in, he saw Kevin trying to insert an IV into a strange man.

"Who's this?" Rob quietly questioned as he entered the room

"He's a fairy whom I found trapped in a jar. I'm not sure how long he'd been trapped. He's very dehydrated and almost dead. I'm hoping we can nurse him back to health." Kevin explained as he finished setting up the IV drip

"He's a.... fairy?" Rob asked, raising his eyebrows

"Yes. There's all sorts of magical or supernatural beings. I've taken it upon myself to help all that I can." Kevin explained as he picked up the things he hadn't needed, "Most decided to head back into the world. Others stay for a little while and then leave. You're the first to express a desire to stay here with me permanently."

"I here. And you've done a lot for me. I'd like to return the favor." Rob smiled as they left their guest's room

Every few hours, Kevin would go in and check on their guest. He wanted to make sure the young fairy was still alive and to check on his fluid bags. Although he'd been worried about Rob's injury, he was even more so worried about this one. Being dehydrated was very bad. Being stuck in a jar, unable to get out, unable to get water and food was even worse. Even Rob was getting worried.

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