Nate Vs. The Suits

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A/N: I'm sorry this is kind of a short and crappy chapter. I promise I'm working on my "action sequence" skills. :/ Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this!

Nate was intelligent, powerful, and wrathful. He found himself more of a loner after high school. Hearing about the thunderstorm that had somehow developed as his son was getting his ass kicked disturbed him greatly. The whole family began keeping their distance from the tall, not-so-lanky blond. Nate was feeling like he was being pushed away. Although he'd never really had an issue with his family, his parents had always seemed to be less loving towards him than his siblings.

Nate could be very kind. He had a big heart. He could also be quite wrathful if someone wronged or threatened him. Whenever someone mistreated one of his family members, there would always come a powerful thunderstorm. The more it happened, the more disturbed and mistrusting of him his family became.

Nate was increasingly feeling uncomfortable within his household. His family would quit talking whenever he walked into the room. They were getting secretive. After a while, they'd just leave the room when he would enter. Before long, he became a bit suspicious of his family. He would make a plate and eat by himself in his room.

He spent quite a bit of time outside to get away from his family. Nate would walk around enjoying the fresh air and trying to figure out what he was going to do. The next thing he would know was that he was far, far away from home. He didn't know how he got there or usually where he was. Slowly, he started spending time away from home. He'd wake up and be in the mountains. He'd close his eyes, take a deep breath, and wish to be home. When he "came to", as it were, he'd be in his family's back yard.

One day he was coming back from one of his "excursions" and noticed two people standing in the living room talking with his parents. They were both wearing black suits and black dusters. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up on end as he stood there trying to decipher what was going on. He watched as his own father shook the hand of one of the men in the black suit. His mother showed the two men his bedroom.

Nate crept around, being sure to keep out of sight, to watch what was happening. The two strangers poked through his room. It was more like over-turning everything in his room like they were looking for something. Not finding what they were looking for, the foursome headed back into the living room. 'What on Earth could they have been searching for in my room of all places?' Nate thought as he crept along.

It was then that he wished he could read lips. His parents and the two unknown men were back to standing in the living room chatting away. Suddenly, images of what could be happening flashed in his mind. These two individuals were not good. An overwhelming sense of wanting to flee hit him. As he was jogging away, he suddenly heard shouting behind him. He ran with no particular destination in mind. His legs were starting to burn. Voices were still shouting behind him.

A loud bang, what sounded like gun fire rang out. He began gasping for air. His pulse raced. There came a pain in his chest and throat. Another loud bang. 'Keep running, damnit!' The voices seemed to get closer. He glanced back to see an RTV chasing him. One of the suits were leaning out of the side with what looked like a shot gun. 'Oh God...' Nate thought, 'Just keep running!'

Another loud bang. As the tall, blond man ran, he began to get angry. Angry with his parents for even putting him in this situation. Angry with these two people chasing and shooting at him. What had he done? Nothing, really. He just wanted a simple life and to be left alone. Could anyone just do that? Hell no! Something hit his shoulder and he suddenly felt angrier than he'd ever been. He stopped and turned around.

Everything Will Be Okحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن