Talking with Tim

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Tim was all but skipping around as he walked. Everyone could see how happy he was. How he was almost glowing. Chance knew what a relief it was for Tim to finally have gotten teleportation down. He hated seeing his soulmate so down on himself about his abilities, especially since no one else had perfected all their abilities yet, but didn't know how to help Tim.

Nate and Rob had been tasked with making dinner that night so Kevin went upstairs to check on Adam. He knocked and waited until Avi yelled for whoever to enter. The happy black vampire opened the door with a smile. The dragons were cuddled up in bed, blankets sitting low on their waists, clearly loving having the day to just spend together.

"How are you feeling, Adam? Any pain or discomfort?" Kevin asked.

"I'm feeling ok. Slight discomfort but it's not bad. I'm kind of hungry." Adam chuckled at the end.

"Nate and Rob are starting dinner. Think you'll feel up to eating with everyone else? If not, I can bring your dinner up here." Kevin stated.

"I'll eat downstairs with everyone else." Adam replied, "How's Tim doing? I understand he's feeling a bit guilty about what happened."

"He is. I think if you talk to him, it might do him some good. He has also gotten teleportation down so that helped his mood a great deal today." Kevin told the pair.

"He did? That's great to hear!" Adam smiled while Avi nodded in agreement.

"When should Adam talk to him?" Avi questioned.

"After dinner maybe?" Kevin shrugged making Adam laugh, "I'll see you fellas in a little while then. (Kevin walked to the door) I'd get a shower before coming downstairs though. (Kevin winked at the pair)"

"Is he insinuating we smell bad?" Avi exclaimed making his lover laugh

"No. Only that that the smell of sex must be really strong (Adam giggled). A shower or bath does sound nice though." Adam was unable to keep the smirk off his face.

"Well, let me go run my favorite dragon a hot bath." Avi ran his hand down Adam's chest earning a moan in response.

Avi untangled himself from his lover and slid out of bed. Adam pouted but knew the bath would be well worth it. The smaller man eventually came out of the bathroom and held his hand for his lover. Avi helped Adam into the bathtub and then began slowly washing his soulmate. It was a simple but sweet gesture. Adam definitely felt the love from his soulmate! Avi even dried him off, stopping to give one last blowjob before dinner, before allowing the blond to head back into the bedroom to get dressed.

The pair finally left their bedroom and headed to the kitchen. Nate and Rob were bustling to finish up dinner. Adam sat down while Avi went to pour them glasses of tea. Rob began asking how Adam was feeling as Tim and Chance entered. Hearing how much better he felt made Tim feel better. Chance greeted everyone with smiles.

"Tim? Can I talk to you after dinner?" Adam looked over at the wizarding brunette.

"Of course!" Tim smiled at the blond-headed blue dragon.

Slowly everyone began coming downstairs for dinner and happily greeted Adam. He couldn't help but laugh as he listened to the chatter around him and the antics of his fellow magical creatures. Kevin loved seeing everyone getting along, laughing, and just being a "happy family". For now, the horrors of what may come were the last thing on anyone's mind.

Dinner had finished all too soon. Rob and Sami were cleaning up the kitchen so Avi told his soulmate he'd meet him in their room. Adam pulled his lover into a passionate kiss. For a moment they got lost in one another before Tim coughed to get the blonde's attention. Avi winked before walking upstairs. Adam turned his attention to his friend and asked if the wizard would meet him in their room. Tim chuckled and said he'd be up after he refilled his glass of tea.

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