Battle Plans

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"Morning, Kevin. Is Sam coming over today?" Tim inquired as he stirred the pancake batter.

 "Yes. It's time we got to working on battle plans and strategies." Kevin glanced over at the young wizard.

Tim tensed up remembering his last encounter with the suits.

"You've come a long way since your last encounter, Tim. You're much stronger than you were then. You've gained much greater control over your abilities. As has everyone else." Kevin said as if he could read Tim's mind, "You are as read as you'll ever be."

"I hope you're right, Kevin. You guys are my family. I just want to protect you and keep you all safe." Tim looked down into the pancake mix.

"That's all any of us want, Tim." Rob added in, "You're not alone. Since we came here, we've all been adopted into this family."

"Leaving our biological families behind or by not going back, we adopted a new family. One that actually understands us. It's natural to want to protect one another. And we will. We've all worked hard and have overcome obstacles this past year or so. We're ready." Chance kissed Tim's cheek before passing his lover to pour himself a cup of coffee.

"Morning, everyone! What's for breakfast?" Sam's deep voice exclaimed as he appeared out of thin air.

"Pancakes, sausage, biscuits, gravy." Tim replied before pouring some of the batter onto the sizzling skillet.

"Sounds wonderful, Tim." Sam smiled before looking over at Kevin, "So..."

"They're understandably nervous. But we need to get to planning." Kevin stated before Sam could finish his sentence.

Everyone else began to slowly filter downstairs as breakfast was made and then brought to the table. People found seats and passed platters and bowls around. Things were relaxed for the moment. Kevin and Sam remained quiet just listening to the chatter around them. The good-natured ribbing. The jokes. The stories. It all made Kevin smile. As people began to finish up with breakfast, Kevin knew he had to say something.

"Guys and gals. This right here is what you're fighting for. The stories you were telling. The jokes and laughter. The teasing one another. Hold on to this. Remember what you're truly fighting for." Kevin stated making the entire table go silent for a few minutes.

"Jenika and I will clean up from breakfast." Olena offered as a few of the guys stood up to stretch.

"Once everything is clean, we'll get down to business." Kevin smiled at the pair.

Tim was pacing his room. Making battle plans and talking strategies means that things would start happening. That meant that the fight would soon become real. He wasn't stupid. He knew this day was coming, of course. There was something about knowing this fight was actually about to start that got to him.

"Baby, it's going to be alright." He heard Chance say from the door, "This is why we're making plans."

Tim turned around to see Chance stride over to where he was. His lover easily slipped his arms around his waist.

"I know, Chance. But..." Tim choked up some, "...I can't bare the thought of losing you. We don't know what's going to happen and..."

"Sweetheart, if we don't do something, they'll eventually kill off everyone. Magical being or not. They will destroy the entire world." Chance laid his head on Tim's shoulder, "This is a fight for our very survival. For you and me and our right to live peaceably together on this planet."

"I know, really." Tim rested his left hand on the back of Chance's head, "Losing you would kill me."

"Adam?" Avi called out.

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