Adam is found

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Cindy Rupp warned her outdoor-loving son to stay close to their home. 'You don't want to run into one of those evil magical beings!' she stated with a disgusted snarl. Adam just rolled his eyes as he walked to the back door of their home. Adam was feeling trapped and couldn't take being in the house much longer. His brother Chris was happy to lock himself away in his bedroom singing along to the radio. His sister Tristin was on the phone with her best friend and chatting about who-knows-what.

Adam felt isolated even in a house of five. His family didn't detest him, but he knew he was different from them. He kept his distance. Emotionally, he kept walls up because he didn't feel like he could trust anyone. Something deep inside him knew that his family wasn't really his "family". Sure, they shared DNA, but family was more than that. No one understood his desire to be out "in the wild", as his mother would say. They didn't understand the feelings inside him.

The blue skies, gentle breeze, and warm sun were calling to him. He found himself feeling tingly as he walked towards a very deep river. It was miles from his house and he had no idea how he'd gotten there. Adam felt free. The large, blue dragon was swimming through the water just enjoying the coolness and serenity. No worries, no cares, no one pestering him to do things he didn't want to do. Just him and the cool water. He dove down swimming on the bottom of the lake, then he'd swim close to the surface, then he'd just swim around the middle.

As he was swimming towards the surface again, he heard muffled shouts. A loud bang preceded an intense, sharp pain in his side. He let out a muffled, pained roar. He began to sink towards the bottom as he drifted into unconsciousness. Thinking the monster was dead, the small elite group left without bothering to make sure the dragon was, indeed, deceased.

The water's currents pulled him along until he had drifted into a medium stream. Part of his body was visible above the surface. He floated along, still unconscious, until he got snagged on some rocks. He was unable to float along the stream any further than where he was. He would groan in pain even in his unconscious state. This was the state Kevin found him in.

He stood on the bank just staring at the magnificent blue dragon. It upset him to hear the pained groans coming from the beast. Kevin wasn't sure he'd be able to carry the dragon, so he made a call to his friend Luke. The wizard would surely be able to help him. Upon hearing that Kevin had discovered an injured dragon, Luke was quick to cast a teleportation spell to help his friend.

"Wow. I didn't think I'd ever see a real dragon again." Luke exclaimed with an awed expression, "He's stunning! Such a beautiful creature."

"You can 'ooh' and 'ahh' over him once we get him to the fortress. I don't think I can carry an injured dragon by myself." Kevin stated, shaking his head at his friend

"Right. Let me conjure up something to help." Luke replied as he took out his staff

Thinking, he suddenly began an incantation that would teleport them all back to Kevin's fortress. They'd be right outside the house itself, on the grounds. As soon as they'd returned, Kevin rushed inside to fetch Rob and some medical supplies. The spear was still in the poor dragon, so that was the first thing that they needed to deal with.

" that..... is that a freakin' dragon?" Tim asked, eyes wide in wonder as the rest of the house followed Kevin

"An injured dragon, yes." Luke smiled

"What happened to him? Or, uh, her?" Austin asked, eyes filling with tears

"I'm not sure. Kevin called me and said he found an injured dragon. The poor thing was in a stream unconscious with that spear sticking into his side." Luke replied

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