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As a child, Olena was a little mischievous. Hiding others' belongings things, playing pranks on others. It gave her an odd sense of satisfaction, relief, and happiness. She was a very playful child. She was good-natured and helpful when she wanted to be. In the beginning, her parents just thought she was a one of those kids that would be "life of the party" types. Something was driving her behavior, however, and they couldn't figure out what that might be. For a while, her father thought she was possessed by some evil spirit.

Olena really hated any pure iron. Her father always thought it was bizarre how badly she said she felt whenever she touched anything of pure iron. She would murmur of severe stomach pains, feeling very weak, and a bad headache after touching iron. Her mother had her tested for allergies, but nothing was ever found to be the cause of Olena's reaction to iron.

When Olena was about five years old, she asked her mother about the weird lines on the side of her right index finger. Her mother looked at it carefully. 'Hmm, it almost looks like a half-sun, must be just a weird birthmark!' she explained with a smile. She never thought any more than that. Olena's weird birthmark sort of tickled every now and then. The tickle made her giggle. Anytime she'd get in trouble, felt worried about something, or had a bad dream, she'd rub the lines on her finger.

As she grew, her parents hoped her practical jokes would cease. They just got a little more advanced. Olena's playfulness never went away even as she got older. She absolutely loved dancing, singing, storytelling, and laughter (hers and other people's) even from a very young age. She was always telling jokes, doing anything and everything she could to make other's laugh, even if was at her own expense. It was a trait her mother began worrying about. Olena seemed to love being the "life of the party" too much.

She must have some time outside in nature at some part of the day or she would become depressed. She always had great difficulty being indoors for long. That was something else her mother worried about. Other than playing jokes, dancing, singing, and making people laugh, Olena loved being outdoors more than anything else. Her mother couldn't place what was so strange about her daughter. Sure, some people liked being outdoors but to get depressed over not being able to go outside? It was...strange.

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