Lost one. . .

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"What the hell you mean you lost one?!" Obadiah bellowed angrily

"I.....I had it.... In a jar...." He stuttered, "....one minute it was there and the next it was gone."

"How does something just *poof* vanish from your hands? Are you that incompetent?!" Obadiah yelled, slamming his fist down on his desk

"N....n...no, Sir." He stuttered again

The angry man behind the desk began rubbing his eyes as he sighed.

"Mr. Stane, you have a visitor." His secretary said as she walked into his office

"I'm a little busy, Sharon." Obadiah snapped

She nodded before turning and leaving the office. The raven headed man jumped when Obadiah slammed his fist against his desk again.

"Tell me exactly what happened." Obadiah demanded

"I mean, Fairies are a dime a dozen. They haven't given us any useful information yet." He said

"Matthew." Obadiah stated, "That is not what I asked of you."

Matt cringed when the older man used his full first name. Taking a deep breath, he decided it was better to tell the angry benefactor what he wanted to know.

"I was out in Mays Field checking traps. Most either didn't have anything in them or the creatures were already...deceased. As I was walking along to check more of them, I saw a little white fairy dart out from the tall grass and flowers. The first opportunity I had, I grabbed it with my bare hands since it hadn't noticed me.

I put it in one of those jars that have been made. The thing tried to get free but couldn't. I may have shaken the jar a little bit but not violently. In the blink of an eye, the trap in my hands was gone. I walked back to the car." He explained

"How'd you scrape your face?" Obadiah questioned, voice eerily calm

"Uh, well. Right before I reached the car, I went flying forward. That's where I hit the pavement and scraped my face. Then I felt something knocking me down once more. And something kicked me in my side which wound up breaking all my ribs." Matt said, looking down

"You didn't see anything?" Obadiah asked, eyeing the young man suspiciously

"No, Sir. Just myself flying forward and then when I stood up, I was knocked down again. Everything happened so fast." Matt said

"Very well. Back to your post." Obadiah gruffly stated

Attacked by something he couldn't see? Sounds like he was attacked by a supernatural. Just one more violent creature that needs to be purged from the Earth! Matt had been right about one thing. No fairies had given them any sort of useful information. Were they all stupid? Did they truly not know anything? Obadiah slammed his fist back down on his desk once again.

"Stupid, worthless creatures!" He yelled angrily

What purpose did they have here? To cause chaos and trouble? The human race was very good at that already and didn't need any help. They were just a plague on the Earth. The sooner they've been disposed of, the better. He sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. Obadiah could feel the onset of a migraine coming on. What creature could move so quickly as to not be seen? How did a jar in Matt's hands just disappear without a trace? Wizard?

Obadiah groaned at the thought. Magical creatures were one thing. Dealing with wizards was something else. They had powers. Not all of them had the same powers but you never knew what they could do until it was too late. They were unpredictable and hard to manipulate. Wizards were one "creature" he wasn't sure yet he could defeat. Others, he could just kill once he'd gotten information out of them.

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