Choust Part 2

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A/N: Since I gave a character chapter, I'll also give an actual update ;) XoXo *Angie*

The rest of the evening was spent with everyone getting to know Sam and Sam getting to know the residents of the household. The older vampire watched everyone carefully. The two fairies were just as Kevin had described. All over one another like horny teenagers. The two dragons were affectionate but not sickening so. Chance seemed to want to be affectionate but Tim was still fighting himself. Everyone else either didn't have a soulmate or hadn't found theirs yet.

After dinner, with Kevin saying he'd clean up later, Sam wanted to see what some of them could do. He had already seen what Nate and Sami could do so they sat out on this little demonstration. Rob transmorphed into his Centaur and caused an Earthquake. Sam laughed, eyes crinkling as he did, as he felt the ground shaking beneath him. When his demonstration was done he sat down. Kelsey smiled and stood up. She transmorphed into her Cervitaur and walked outside.

She was demonstrating her dark sight which was superior vision in dark and dim conditions. She could see in dim light within sixty feet of her as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Sam nodded appreciatively as they walked back into the house. Jenika shape-shifted into a mouse and squeezed under the door leading outside and then returned thirty seconds later. Sam, once again, smiled at the young woman. 'At least they're getting some control over their abilities!' he thought with a sigh of relief.

Chance was next and looked over at Kevin. The younger vampire smiled and nodded his head yes. Everyone watched as Sam seemed to be momentarily confused before returning to his normal self. Realizing what had happened, Sam smiled at Chance who sighed with relief. Tim stood up next, at the urging of his soulmate, and transmuted his glass of tea into several small solid metal balls. Sam's grin spread from ear to ear as Tim returned the metal balls back to his glass of tea and sat down.

They had to go outside for Avi and Adam. Both transmorphed into their dragon forms. Adam made a flood of water appear and it seemed like everything had floated away. Avi had spit a green liquid out which Kevin decided was acid. Sam nodded and smiled at the pair before they returned to their normal selves as well. Austin and Olena had abilities that weren't really able to be demonstrated beside their quickness in flight.

Sam thanked everyone for their demonstrations and was quick to give words of encouragement to everyone. They chatted a while longer before Sam said he should get home. It was past 11pm already. The group bid their goodbyes to their new friend with either hugs, from the ladies, or handshakes, from the men, after walking him to the door. After Sam left, everyone headed up to their rooms. Kevin headed into the kitchen to clean up from dinner.

Chance had left the bathroom door open while he showered. Tim was laying in bed trying to read a book but his thoughts kept creeping to the naked, wet man in the bathroom. Suddenly he felt his cock begin to twitch slightly. Tim shook his head trying to rid himself of these thoughts. Chance had finished his shower, dried off, and was standing in the bathroom door watching Tim. 'How can one man be so gorgeous just laying there reading a book?' Chance thought to himself.

The slightly shorted man strutted confidently over to the bed, towel still wrapped around his waist, making Tim look up at him. The taller of the two men watched as his soulmate straddled his lap then untied the towel. Tim swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat. He felt helpless as Chance snatched his book right out of his hands and placed it on the bedside table.

"What are you doing?" Tim questioned, proud his voice didn't crack.

"With any" Chance grinned

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