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Avi always felt this gnawing inside him trying to get out. There was something there, bubbling just under the surface and he could feel it. Even as a small child, he knew he was different. When he was four, he asked his mother about the strange marking on his left wrist. 'Just some weird birthmark' she told him. Each time he became anxious, nervous, or scared, he'd run his finger over the line of that mark. It, too, felt different. His older brother Josh had a weird birthmark but not like his.

From the time he was about four, Avi had extremely vivid dreams of flying high in the sky. He once told a friend at school and his friend said he did too. Their dreams were different. His friend was riding something while Avi seemed to be the 'something'. Growing up, he could swear he saw the shadows of dragons on the ground and every so often, depending on where he was, he thought he saw one fly over. His parents brushed it off as just having a wild, vivid imagination.

As he got older, his parents thought he'd grow out of the belief that dragons were real and start focusing on real things. The older Avi got, the more his belief grew. He didn't know why he felt so strongly about dragons or why he was so obsessed. He just knew. He was obsessed with dragons and nearly got into a fist fight with anyone who said they weren't real. Avi's belief began to put a strain on his relationships.

He was feeling more and more isolated. He began rubbing his strange birthmark more and more. It oddly gave him comfort. In Avi's spare time, he drew dragons and other "mythical" creatures. He sang along to the radio and his sister Esther always told him what a beautiful voice he had. He shook his head no because he didn't believe her.

When he was sixteen, the gnawing thing inside Avi came out. He was walking home from school and went through a local park like he always did. An older man walked up asking for directions but Avi blew him off. Something told the young man that this person was dangerous. He sped up but suddenly found himself being dragged backwards. As his captor tried to get his clothes off, with him screaming, scratching, and doing everything possible, something inside Avi snapped.

Instead of a sixteen-year-old boy with beautiful green eyes, there before the older man was a monstrous green dragon. The green dragon roared loudly and shook the ground. The sight and sound scared him so badly, his heart began racing so fast that it stopped altogether. Seeing the threat gone, the dragon disappeared. Avi found himself standing on his feet instead of on his back like he'd remembered he was. The other man was on the ground with the most frightened look he'd ever seen on another person and clutching his chest. Avi called 911 but it was too late.

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