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After dinner that night, Kevin left the compound to go talk to a friend of his. A very ancient friend. He, too, was a vampire and one much, much older than Kevin was. They had met hundreds of years ago and had become friends. Eventually. It always made Kevin laugh at how society's views were then to what they were now.

"Kevin, my boy! To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Sam asked as he stepped off his porch, "And don't blow smoke up my ass and tell me it's just a social call. I know better."

"Well, it's not just a business call, how about that? I haven't seen you in years and this was a good reason to come visit." Kevin laughed as he accepted Sam's hand for a firm handshake.

"Come on in. We can talk in peace inside." Sam looked around before turning and heading inside his rustic ranch home.

"I see your house hasn't changed much over the years." Kevin chuckled as he entered.

"Why mess with a good thing?" Sam laughed as he went to pour himself a glass of Scotch, "Now, what's this visit all about?"

"You've been around a lot longer than I have. I'm sure you have more knowledge about magical and mythological beings." Kevin started out.

"I'm listening."

"I have a new house guest. He was fighting a couple of those suits when I found him. Ginormous bird. He created such a force of wind with just a flap of his wings that it felt almost as if we were in a tornado. Can create storms, too." Kevin began to explain.

"Damn! I thought I'd never see one of those things again!" Sam's eyes lit up.

Kevin just stared at his friend but remained silent.

"I'm not sure what the technical name for it is. The American Indians' name, translated into English, was something along the lines of 'Thunderbird' because it could cause a thundering sound by the flap of its wings. They were known to be protectors of sorts. They could cause rains, floods, droughts, powerful winds, and even shoot lightning from their eyes.

I've seen several in my lifetime but not in an incredibly long time. I thought they had all died out, to be honest. These birds are big enough, and have enough strength, to pick up killer whales out of the ocean and fly them back to their nests. Or wherever they chose to drop it, really." Sam explained.

"Oh my. That sounds a lot like the research I found on the internet the other night." Kevin stated.

"If you're doing all this research on the internet, then why the hell are you coming to me?" Sam inquired before taking a drink of his Scotch.

"You're older and wiser. Besides, I trust you and your judgement better than almost anyone else." Kevin smiled at his friend.

"I want to see this creature. To meet him and see what he can do." Sam stated.

"Sure thing. Why don't you come by the fortress tomorrow evening? There will be enough light before dinner that you can see what he can do when he transmorphs and then you can stay and have dinner with us and get to know some of the other beings that are staying there." Kevin suggested, "Oh! We have three sets of magical soulmates. I couldn't believe it!"

"Three? Wow! Even after all this time, I still haven't found my soulmate." Sam looked down at the back of his right hand.

"Really? I'm sorry to hear that. At least you have a soulmate. I don't." Kevin sighed, "But the two fairies are all over each other like horny teenagers. The two dragons seem to have more respect than that although they are very affectionate in public. The other two..."

"Yes?" Sam urged.

"They're both men and I think one is struggling with the fact that his soulmate is a man instead of a woman. He's still coming to terms with it while the other has accepted it already." Kevin explained.

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