Can't catch a break

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The next day, Sam and Kevin had everyone back to working on their skills and abilities. Luke had Olena working on her "Illusion Manipulation" and what all she could do with it. Of course, poor Austin was her test subject to his horror. With a wink, she promised she'd make it up to him later making Luke laugh and shake his head. Everyone was coming along quite well in their training.

Avi was working on spitting a corrosive, almost neon green acid at targets. Large pools, small pools, medium pools. He worked on where exactly he wanted it to be. Bill conjured up various weapons for him to practice spitting on. The old wizard wanted him to learn how to spit streams as well so that he could dissolve weapons people were holding.

The more Avi concentrated on spitting acid, the stranger he felt. Suddenly, pools of poison began to seep up through the ground and encircle all enemies (their training targets) before poisoning them. Avi's eyes went wide as he watched this new pool of acid that he'd never seen before. Once it went away, he tried it again. It didn't happen, to his dismay, so he went back to concentrating on spitting streams of acid at specific spots on the training targets.

While his lover was busy, the blue dragon was laying out in the sun thinking over the skills and abilities he knew he had. He wasn't sure he would be much help and he hated that thought. He wanted to be useful, to help his friends and family in this battle for their lives. Adam thought about being able to form clouds, to being able to spit large streams of water. He was absent-mindedly staring at one of the training targets as his mind raced. Suddenly, icicles began to rain from the sky, homing in on the training targets.

Adam just stared between them and looking up at the sky. 'What the hell?' he thought. The raining icicles finally stopped. He stared at the targets again and thought about those icicles raining from the sky. Nothing happened at first. The big, blue dragon was beginning to think it had been a figment of his imagination! 'I can form clouds. I can spew water. I CAN FORM ICICLES, DAMNIT!' he thought, eyes boring into the training targets. As suddenly as it happened the first time, icicles began raining from the sky, homing in on the target he was staring at.

Avi's mind kept going back to that one, mysterious acid pool and how he'd conjured it up. He stared at the target and thought about the pool that he'd seen. 'Come on. I know I can do it again if I did once before!' Avi told himself. Slowly he began to see a pool of poison seeping up from the ground. The green dragon wanted to jump up and do a back flip in joyous celebration! He was already pretty good at conjuring a gas cloud. Pools of acid weren't very hard. All he needed, really, to master now was spitting small streams of acid at specific targets and this new ability!

Once Avi had done it a few more times, he wanted to show it off to his lover. He transmorphed back into his human form and jogged to where the magnificent blue dragon was at. The temperature felt a bit chilly and he didn't know why. As soon as the blue dragon noticed the smaller man staring at him, he transmorphed back into his human form too.

"Baby! I gotta show you this thing I just discovered I could do!" Avi exclaimed happily.

"Ok. Show me what you can you, my beautiful gem of a dragon." Adam's eyes twinkled as he spoke to his soulmate.

Avi transmorphed back into his dragon form and concentrated on the uprising pool. Adam watched the training targets and noticed the green pool of acid actually rising up from the ground! The training targets were taking damage from the acid and it seemed the longer the acid was there, or the longer the target was in the acid, the more damage the target took. Avi transmorphed back and looked over at his soulmate.

"That's amazing, Avi!" Adam wrapped his arms around the shorter man, "You're not just spitting acid, you're making it sneak up on people!"

Avi laughed as he slipped his arms around Adam's waist.

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