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Cindy Rupp had called the police about her missing son. He hadn't come back the afternoon he'd left and she was worried. It had been four days and she had not seen hide nor hair of her middle child. Chris blew it off saying 'he probably found himself a girlfriend' and then laughed. Tristin didn't seem worried either but unless it concerned one of her friends or her crush, then she generally wasn't worried anyway. Stephen was beginning to have an uneasy feeling about their son.

He had been odd but he didn't think anything of it. Stephen was worried one of those despicable 'Supernaturals' had done something to his son. The news were constantly exposing them for the evil beings they were. Maybe he did run away like Tristin had said the night he hadn't come home. Adam was a bit of an odd-ball in the family. Something deep inside said there was something else going on.

There came a knock at the door pulling him out of his thoughts. His wife walked over to answer the door. He sat in his chair and tried to make sense out of what was going on in the world. There was a man on their doorstep with short brown hair that looked like it was fading into gray, wearing a black suit with a black duster.

"Who are you? Can I help you?" Cindy asked, looking the strange man up and down curiously

"Mrs. Rupp, I'm here about your son Adam." A tall, older man said

"What happened? Is he ok? I haven't seen him in days!" She exclaimed

"Can we have a seat?" He asked

She moved to allow him into her home. They walked into the living room and he was glad the whole family were there. His colleague was sitting in their car waiting on the "all clear" before entering the home.

"What can you tell us about our son?" Cindy inquired

"Would you all look at me please?" He asked

Everyone looked up just in time for him to push a button at the top of the pen-looking device in his hand. He watched as they slowly fell to the floor. Making sure they were still alive, others had not survived the procedure, he used the radio that had been hidden inside his duster to give the "all clear" to his partner. The other gentleman quickly made his way inside the Rupp home.

They proceded to remove any traces that Adam Henry Rupp ever existed. Photos, official papers such as his birth certificate, school transcripts, clothing, and completely clearing out his bedroom. It took them more than two hours to get it all done. By the time they were done, Adam Rupp had disappeared off the face of the Earth. Satisfied with their job, they left the Rupp home and headed back to their office.

"Ugh, what happened?" Chris asked when he came too, "Why are we all on the floor?"

"I...I don't know." Tristin frowned

"Anyone feel funny? Headache? Stomach or body ache? Blurred vision? Dizziness?" Stephen asked

"No, not that I feel." Tristin said as she helped her mother stand up

"Hey, since we're not really feeling...well....why don't we just order some pizza for dinner. Have a nice quiet, family night. Just the four of us." Cindy suggested as her daughter got her settled on the couch

"Our perfect family." Stephen mused with a smile

"I guess you guys want your usual pizza?" Tristin said, rolling her eyes, "Can Chris and I get our own?"

"Well....I don't see why not. You don't really like the supreme like your mother and I do." Stephen chuckled

Across town, three hours earlier:

She was pacing the living room. Her daughter had not come home and she was worried sick. The world wasn't safe anymore, especially for a beautiful young woman like her daughter. The neighbors hadn't seen her. Her friends hadn't seen her. It seemed her daughter had disappeared off the face of the Earth. When her daughter didn't come home the first night, she cried herself to sleep thinking she'd run away.

The police couldn't even file a missing person report for at least 24 hours. She had to wait that long before filing. Four days. That's how long her daughter had been gone but no one seemed interested in looking for her. One of their neighbors said she probably met up with a boy and they ran off together. Someone blew her off since her daughter did like going out into the woods and meadows and being gone for hours on end.

There came a knock at her door. She sighed heavily as she got up from her recliner. Several people had come by to talk to her about her missing daughter. One was using her daughter's disappearance to further the "anti-magical being agenda" and wanted her to sign papers in their support. Another person had said her daughter had gone missing as well and the police had told her that she'd been murdered by a pack of faeries.

"Hello?" She asked as she opened the door

There was a medium sized woman with red hair tied back in a neat bun standing on her doorstep. The woman was wearing a pair of black slacks, plain looking heels, a navy blue top and a black duster.

"Yes, Ma'am, I'm here about your daughter a Miss Olena Noelle Lysenko." The woman sweetly said

"Come in." Doris said with a sigh, "Forgive me if I'm less than enthusiastic about speaking with you. I've had several people by with radical theories on what happened to my beloved Olena."

"I understand Ma'am. Can you tell me about her disappearance?" The woman asked as they got settled in the living room

"There's not much to tell. She went out for a walk and didn't return. She goes out a lot because she loves the outdoors. Has ever since she was a small child. She always comes home, though." Doris said

"That's ok. What does she do for a living?" The strange woman asked

"She's a model. Well, I guess a fledgling model. She gets work and is working her way up, so they say." Doris chuckled nervously as she looked at her hands

"I see. Ma'am, will you look at me?" The woman said

As soon as Doris looked up to the woman in her living room, the stranger clicked the button on top of her device. Doris fell back in her chair immediately. She made sure the woman still had a pulse before radioing the "all clear" to her partner. They had less than two hours to rid the house of all traces of Olena. Doris lived alone and had no other family in the US. They cleaned every item of clothing, photos, all personal effects, as well as papers & documents that showed she existed.

With one last look around the house to make sure they didn't miss anything, the shut the front door and loaded up their black SUV. There were other teams out in deployment, but this was their last call of the day. They drove back to their office where everything would be dumped and burned to rid the evidence of this person.

Doris woke up a few hours later feeling strange. She remembered she'd been sad but couldn't remember why. The older woman had a slight headache but otherwise felt fine. Figuring she just needed to eat, she made her way into her kitchen to fix a small meal for herself. Something was off but she couldn't place it.

A/N: Don't forget to vote and comment! I love hearing from you!

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